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School Health Service

This School Health Service provides specialist nursing advice and support to children, young people and their families.

The service is delivered by Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (CLCH).

On this page

About the service

The School Health Service helps children and young people to develop the skills they need to manage the challenges they face in school, at home, in their personal lives or online.

The service focuses on:

  • Supporting children at risk
  • Supporting those experiencing emotional difficulties or mental health problems
  • Weight management and obesity prevention (includes the National Child Measurement Programme)
  • Building strong, supportive relationships with local schools
  • Close working with GPs and other health services, the Council, Achieving for Children and the voluntary sector

Healthy Child Programme

The School Health Service also delivers the Healthy Child Programme, which focuses on:

  • Safeguarding for children and young people
  • Promoting the service to children, young people and their families
  • Health assessments for children and young people at key transitional stages
  • Working to reduce ‘risky’ behaviours (including alcohol and drug use) and improve sexual health and relationship education
  • Developing a core personal, social, health education programme for schools
  • Supporting children with long-term conditions


The CLCH provides more information about the Richmond School Nursing Service

If you are concerned about yourself or your child and they are attending a Richmond school, you can seek help and support through the Richmond 0-19 Single Point of Access by:

Telephone: 0330 058 1679

Opening hours: 7 days a week, 9am to 5pm

Up to: Schools

Updated: 09 February 2023

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