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We work with Thinking Works to provide a winter warmth home service during the winter months for:

  • People aged over 65
  • People with a respiratory disease
  • People with a cardiovascular disease
  • People with any other long-term limiting illness
  • Low income families with young children

How it works

Following an initial assessment, Thinking Works can provide one or more of the following services:

  • Advice on energy bills and keeping warm at home
  • Help to access available heating and insulation grants
  • Referrals for benefits check
  • Fire safety check - free checks and smoke detector installations from the Fire Brigade
  • Private sector housing support - help to improve conditions for private tenants
  • Advice and information on useful local health and wellbeing services.

For more information on the winter warmth service or to request an assessment visit the Thinking Works website.

Updated: 18 January 2023

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