Join the business offers scheme
Use this form to add your business to the Richmond Card business offers scheme.
Before you start
The offers scheme is managed via the Richmond Account. If you already have an account you can use this when you join. If you don't have one yet you will be prompted to create one as part of the joining process.
Once you are part of the scheme you can manage your offers online.
Criteria to submit an offer
Your business
This scheme is for independent, local businesses and tourist attractions serving a predominantly local market based within Richmond borough. An exception may be made if you have one branch in the borough and one outside. If you have more than one branch outside of the borough, we are unable to accept you onto the scheme. To clarify this scheme is not open to large chains, even with a local base.
You will need
- To be clear what kind of offer or discount will work for your business. See our guidance for ideas
(pdf, 137KB)
- To know when you want the offer to start and finish
- A short description of your business
- A photo ready to upload, in JPG or PNG format only. This will be sized to 250px width so please note text is not suitable as it will be illegible
- The authority to provide an offer for your business
What happens next
The business offers team will check and approve your offer within three days.
Medium - This form usually takes a few minutes to complete
Updated: 14 July 2023
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