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Report faulty or damaged signs

Use this form to report faulty or damaged signs in the borough.

Before you start

You should report any fault relating to a Red Route (A316 or A205) directly to Transport for London (TfL) - any reports we receive will be passed on to TfL along with your contact details.

Please contact us immediately on 020 8891 1411 if a lit sign is dangerous or could cause physical damage. This may be the case where it is:

  • Leaning/fallen
  • Inspection door missing
  • Wires exposed
  • Smoking/sparking

Do not attempt to help by covering up or touching the wires, and warn children to keep away if necessary.

You will need

  • To be able to describe the location of the faulty or damaged sign.
  • To describe what the fault with the sign is.  

What happens next

We will investigate a problem with an unlit sign in up to seven days dependent on the fault.

If it is an illuminated sign, our street lighting contractor will aim to inspect and repair the fault within five working days, although electrical faults may take longer.

We may contact you for further information if you provide contact details.

Start my request

Short - this form shouldn’t take long to complete.

Updated: 11 October 2022

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