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Use this form to let us know about a pothole or road surface damage.

Before you start

You should report any fault relating to a Red Route (A316 or A205) directly to Transport for London (TfL).

If you notice the problem out of office hours and feel it cannot wait until the next working day, please call our out of hours number 020 8744 2442.

You will need

  • To be able to identify the location of the pothole. You will be able to select this from a map.
  • To describe the approximate size of the pothole or road surface damage.
  • To upload any pictures you may have of the problem.

What happens next

The area will be inspected within the next 3-5 working days and anything reaching our criteria will be repaired on a priority basis.

We may contact you for further information if you provide contact details.

Start my report

Short - this form shouldn’t take long to complete.

Updated: 03 April 2023

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