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Road safety measures on the public highway, such as traffic calming, are introduced to aid in the reduction of personal injury collisions. The locations that would benefit the most from these measures are identified as part of the borough wide collision review process. 

Any requests made for additional locations would need to meet the requirements set out in our Traffic calming policy before being considered. 

The borough only receives limited funding for road safety improvement schemes and in recent years the funding available to us has been significantly reduced by Transport for London (TfL). While Richmond is among the safest boroughs in London, it is essential that we prioritise our resources to focus on sites where the need is greatest. 

Making a suggestion or request

If you would like to nominate a road that meets the requirements in our policy, you will first need to ensure that 51% of the affected roads or area support your nomination or recommendation.

Find out more about making a Transport suggestion or request.

Locations that don't meet our criteria

For locations that do not meet the criteria set out in our policy, residents can report their concerns to their Local Safer Transport Police. They would be responsible for enforcement of any speeding issues.

Updated: 28 June 2024

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