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Sports and leisure customer code of conduct

We welcome and encourage everyone to use our facilities and open spaces and want to make every contact you have with us a positive experience.

Our Sports and leisure customer code of conduct is intended to provide clear guidance as to the standards of behaviour expected from visitors to our sites.

What we expect

We ask our customers to:

  • Treat our employees and fellow visitors with courtesy and respect
  • Use our venues, equipment and property in an appropriate manner
  • Wear appropriate clothing for the activity you are undertaking
  • Adhere to all instructional signage
  • Report incidents or concerns about the conduct of others to one of our employees immediately

Unacceptable behaviour

We will not tolerate:

  • The use of inappropriate or offensive language
  • Any form of unacceptable behaviour or aggression as defined in this code of conduct

Visitors who experience or witness incidents of unacceptable behaviour are encouraged to report them to a member of staff so that action can be taken. 

Unacceptable behaviour generally falls into the following categories.

General nuisance and disruption

This includes:

  • Swearing which causes offence and distress to staff and customers
  • Disruption to staff and customers through inappropriate behaviour. For example, over-rowdiness, slamming doors, making excessive noise or intentionally restricting access to facilities for others
  • Inappropriate use of mobile phones
  • Carrying out any activity that is not permitted in that facility, such as playing football in a corridor, or recording or taking photographs of staff and members of the public without prior consent
  • Any behaviour which puts the health and safety of yourself or others at risk

Non-physical abuse/threatening behaviour

This includes:

  • Abusive, threatening, and derisory personal remarks and statements made directly at staff or customers
  • Any hate crime related behaviour
  • Harassment, for example stalking, letters or inappropriate use of social media
  • Any forms of non-physical aggression 

Physical abuse/threatening behaviour/criminal activity

This includes:

  • Actual physical contact with staff or customers which is intended to injure and/or intimidate, such as spitting, pushing, or striking. (This may also lead to criminal charges)
  • Any criminal activity including drug and alcohol related behaviour, carrying of offensive weapons


This includes:

  • Deliberately causing damage to the site, its contents or fixture and fittings. For example, breaking windows, writing graffiti, intentionally damaging equipment or lockers
  • Theft of Council property or another customer’s property. (This may also lead to criminal charges)

If the code of conduct is breached

While we will make every effort to engage and facilitate all customers, there may be occasions where behaviours cannot be tolerated. Whilst incidents are few, if our code of conduct is breached, we may take the following action to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for the community:

  • Implement and enforce exclusion protocols from our facilities and services
  • Refer matters to the police with the intent of prosecution

Swimming pools use

We ask swimming pool users to follow these rules:

Facility rules

  • No smoking (includes vaping), alcohol or drugs permitted on site
  • No food to be consumed in the changing rooms or on poolside
  • No outdoor footwear to be worn on poolside – overshoe covers are provided
  • No spectators on poolside without prior permission
  • Photographic equipment (including mobile phones) are strictly prohibited on poolside and in changing rooms
  • Adhere to Child Admission Policy

Pool rules

  • No running or diving
  • No ducking or pushing people in the pool or under the water
  • No acrobatics or gymnastics
  • No fighting or bullying
  • No swearing or spitting
  • No throwing of floats and equipment
  • No standing on or jumping onto floats
  • No holding or standing on lane ropes
  • No balls, diving masks or snorkels (fins and hand paddles – designated sessions only)
  • When in operation please adhere to the lane directions

Health and safety

  • Shower before entering the water
  • Use toilets before swimming
  • No chewing gum whilst swimming
  • Personal safety – before you enter the water, please let the lifeguards know of any circumstances that may affect your swimming ability
  • Do not swim if you are suffering from ear/nose/throat infections, open wounds, diarrhoea or any other infection or medical condition that may hinder your ability to swim safely
  • Children who are not toilet trained must wear swim nappies and must be cleansed with soap if these have to be changed before returning to the pool

Lane etiquette

  • Be aware of the lane pace and judge own ability accordingly
  • Swim single file to allow overtaking when necessary
  • Allow a reasonable and safe distance between fellow swimmers and yourself
  • Respect others personal space
  • Allow others to overtake at the end of the lane if necessary
  • Avoid talking or stopping in inappropriate places
  • Show respect for others when dealing with a problem, if necessary, make the lifeguard aware

Group exercise classes

Our facilities aim to provide a pleasant, safe and enjoyable environment, in which users can derive health benefits. The management and staff therefore expect users to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Users should treat centre staff and fellow users with courtesy and respect, as they would wish to be treated themselves. Discrimination towards facility staff or users, as defined under the Equalities Act 2010, will not be tolerated and may lead to further action being taken
  • Physical intimidation, violence or bullying of centre staff or users will not be tolerated and action will be taken against persons the management suspect to have engaged in these offences
  • Users should treat equipment and all other facilities with respect and use equipment and facilities in an appropriate manner (as defined in instructions and notices). In particular, when applying weight to body pump bars, do not use in an upright position to drop discs on, as this will cause the opposite end to dent/crack the floor
  • Weights and other pieces of equipment must not be dragged along the floor, to prevent damage. Please ask staff for assistance with lifting and moving equipment, if required. Weights should also be stored away correctly after use
  • Safety regulations relating to facilities and individual activities should be adhered to at all times. Members must follow safety points and guidance given by the instructor in relation to their class
  • Users should wear appropriate clothing during classes and suitable footwear to avoid scratching/marking the floor
  • Any medical history or current/past injuries should be communicated to the instructor before the class begins
  • Users should maintain good hygiene and we recommend that strong perfume is not worn for fitness classes. Strong scents from perfume may affect classes like Yoga and Pilates when breathing exercises play an important role
  • Customers should refrain from wearing jewellery where possible, for example necklaces and hoop earrings
  • Refrain from entering the studio before the class start time, as a previous class may still be running
  • There is a cut off time for entering a class up to five minutes for all classes (including spinning). This is to ensure everyone completes a warmup and helps minimise disruption
  • Members are encouraged to book classes in advance to ensure accurate attendance recording. Kindly use the automatic barriers if you have pre-booked a class and have your Richmond card

If you have any questions or queries about these guidelines please speak to a member of staff in the centre you are attending.

Gym use

We ask gym users to follow these rules:

General etiquette

  • Always show consideration and respect to other gym users. Any violent, aggressive, or threatening behaviour towards gym users or staff will not be tolerated
  • Mobile phones are permitted in the gym, however if you need to make/receive a call please do so outside the building
  • Bring a small towel to wipe down the equipment after use
  • Dispose of all litter/tissues in the bins provided
  • Do not take any food or hot drinks into the gym area
  • Bring a bottle with a screw top to refill from the water fountain

Health and safety

  • If you have any illnesses, injuries or medical problems that may affect your training, please inform an instructor who will advise you how to adapt your session accordingly
  • If you have not been inducted to a piece of equipment, or notice any equipment is damaged, please contact an instructor
  • Personal belongings must be stored in the lockers provided. No bags or coats are permitted in the gym as they are trip hazards which can cause harm or injury
  • Suitable footwear must be worn at all times within the gym. No flip flops, sandals, heels, or non-grip type shoes allowed


  • Wear suitable clean sports clothing and clean indoor training shoes with socks
  • Wipe down the equipment after use, using the sanitiser sprays provided


  • Do not drop free weights
  • Please return all dumbbells and plates to the appropriate racks after use
  • Please return all other equipment (stability balls, steps etc) after use
  • If the gym is busy, please be prepared to share the resistance equipment with other members during your rest time. If asking a member who is already training, please wait until the end of their set to ask
  • Limit your use on the cardio machines to 20 minutes during busy periods, especially if people are waiting

Up to: Sports

Updated: 25 March 2025

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