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Council office opening hours

There are different opening hours for some services we offer in person. Please check these before visiting us.

Civic Centre

Customer Services
Civic Centre
44 York Street

The following services are available at the Civic Centre:

Main reception desk

Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 10am to 4pm on an appointment-only basis

Housing Options

Opening hours
Monday to Tuesday: 10am to 4pm
Wednesday: 1 to 4pm
Thursday to Friday: 10am to 4pm

Services include emergency housing, rent deposit scheme and general housing advice.

Housing Provision

Opening hours
Monday to Tuesday: 10am to 4pm
Wednesday: 1 to 4pm
Thursday to Friday: 10am to 4pm

Services include advice regarding the Housing register for existing and new applicants.

Housing Benefits and Council Tax

By appointment only*

Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm (last ticket at 4.30pm)

Services include advice on Housing Benefit; Council Tax reduction and Council Tax, submitting documents for Benefits and Council Tax.

Drop-box service also available for delivering documents without appointment.

Parking Permits

Opening hours
Monday: 9am to 3.45pm
Tuesday: 10am to 3.45pm
Wednesday to Friday: 9am to 3.45pm

Services include residents permits, visitor permits, traders permits and all other permit queries.

Electoral Services

Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm

Services include viewing the register (by appointment only).

42 York Street

Achieving for Children
42 York Street

Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm

Services include advice and guidance for children and family welfare.

York House

Richmond Road

The following services are available in York House:

Registration Services

Opening hours
Monday to Tuesday: 9am to 4pm
Wednesday: 9am to 12.30pm
Thursday to Friday: 9am to 4pm

Services include registration of all births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships that take place in the borough; notice appointments; nationality checking service appointments and European Pension forms.

Updated: 02 November 2022

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