Council policies and plans
Our latest policies and plans.
Our key plans
Our approach to equality and diversity
Other plans and policies
Adult and Community Services
- Sufficiency Strategy for Children in Care and Care Leavers (2023 to 2028) - sets out the vision, need, context and actions that are being taken to ensure that we meet our sufficiency duty
- Children and Young People’s Plan - sets out the direction and goals for us and our strategic partners, covering all services for children and young people up to the age of 19, and up to the age of 25 for care leavers and young people with learning disabilities.
- SEND Futures Plan 2021/22 to 2025/26 - sets out the strategic plan to drive improved outcomes for children with SEND in Richmond, led by the Council, Achieving for Children (AfC) and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), and supported by all relevant partner agencies.
- SEND home to school transport policy (5 to 16 years) – provides details of the Council’s Home to School Transport Policy for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
- SEND post-16 Transport Statement 2024/25
- Transport Policy
(pdf, 57 KB) - this specifies the Council’s arrangements for the provision of transport to facilitate the attendance of post-16 students at education or training.
- School Place Planning Strategy
(pdf, 1.4 MB) – this report sets out how the Council plans to ensure it will have sufficient school places to respond to population changes.
- Parental contribution policy - seeks financial contributions towards the cost of providing care placements for children who are voluntarily brought into local authority care under Section 20 of the Children Act 1989.
- Admission Arrangements for Community Schools
(pdf, 218 KB) - this report details the proposed admission arrangements for community schools and proposed co-ordinated schemes for admission to all primary and secondary schools. View school admissions for further information.
- Richmond Child Poverty Strategy - sets out how we and our key partners will fulfil the legal obligation of reducing and mitigating the effect of child poverty.
- School Attendance and Penalties - sets out parents' and carers' legal responsibilities on education attendance and the procedure for issuing penalty notices when these are not met.
- Elective Home Education - sets out the support and guidance AfC can offer to parents and carers who choose to home educate their child.
- Children missing education - outlines AfC's approach to identifying and supporting children missing from education, at risk of missing education, or not receiving suitable education.
- Equality and diversity policy - for AfC, delivering services on behalf of Richmond
- Youth Safety Strategy - for Kingston and Richmond is a joint strategy between the Kingston and Richmond Community Safety Partnerships which are responsible for its governance. The strategy aims to coordinate how we support and respond to the factors impacting on youth safety for children and young adults aged up to 25.
- Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA) - the Childcare Act 2006 places a duty for local authorities to work in partnership with providers to influence childcare provision as far as reasonably practicable, to ensure that there is sufficient childcare for working parents, or parents who are studying or training for employment, for children aged 0 to 14 or up to 18 for disabled children.
- Financial support policy for young people aged 16 or 17 who are CLA or care leavers
- Financial support policy for young people aged 18 plus who are CLA or care leavers - highlights the support available for young people who are in care or previously in care.
- Connected Persons Policy
(pdf, 185 KB) - provides information on how the Council will assess and support relatives or family friends who care for children who cannot live with their parents.
- Special Guardianship Policy
(pdf, 205 KB) - provides details of what Special Guardianships are and how we will assess and support applications.
Culture Richmond 2021 to 2031 - a new vision for arts, libraries, parks and sport and fitness in Richmond upon Thames.
Employment and skills
- Richmond employment and skills strategy
(pdf, 5.2 MB) (updated September 2022) - sets out our adapted focus to combat the remaining fallout from the COVID-19 crisis, the growing cost of living crisis, and our aim to increase refugee support and services, whilst retaining commitment to the Climate Change emergency.
- Development and street scene enforcement policy
(pdf, 51KB)
- Richmond Cycling Strategy
- Nature Conservation Policy Statement
- Integrated Pest Management Policy
Public health
- Healthy eating, weight and nutrition plan
(pdf, 7.9 MB)
- Joint Strategic Needs Assessment - pulls together information about local health and social care needs, and is a vital tool to help us plan future services.
- Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy - a framework for improving health and well-being by developing better responses to local needs.
- Public Health Reports
- Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment - a statement of needs of the local population for pharmaceutical services.
- Richmond Suicide Prevention Strategy
(pdf, 806 KB)
- Public Health Adult Physical Activity Plan
Up to: How we work
Updated: 03 June 2024
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