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Frequently asked election questions

Answers to commonly asked queries about elections.

Postal votes FAQs

Watch a video about how to fill in and return your postal vote pack:

When will I receive my postal voting pack?

You should receive your postal vote pack around a week before polling day. Keep it safe and don't allow others to handle it.

What happens if my postal voting pack does not arrive or I have misplaced it?

If you are a registered postal voter, you can apply for a replacement postal voting pack if it is lost, spoilt or not received.

I have put today's date instead of my date of birth on the postal vote statement

Please cross it out and put the correct date of birth in. We will manually verify against your existing information.

I’ve forgotten to put my ballot paper or postal vote in the envelope and sealed it, what should I do?

You can re-open the envelope, add the missing documents and reseal it.

I've lost envelope B (the one everything goes in to post) - can I use a different envelope?

Yes. Please send it to the correct address - Electoral Services, York House Stable Block, Richmond Road, Twickenham TW1 3AA. You will need to put a stamp on.

Alternatively hand it in to the above address.

I've posted the envelope without the ballot paper, what should I do?

Seal the Ballot Paper in a new envelope and post the paper in, or hand it into to a Presiding Officer at any polling station within your constituency (before 10pm), or to the Richmond Council Offices. Please ensure your envelope is sealed and clearly says 'postal vote'.

What if I tear the envelopes?

As long as you seal the envelope correctly this should still be received.

I've ticked the incorrect box on my ballot paper, can I correct it?

Yes, cross out the incorrect vote and clearly mark what you want to vote for. Do not use Tippex or any other correction fluid. Do not initial the changes otherwise your vote will not be counted.

I've put my postal vote in my partner's envelope, will it still count?

As long as we receive your postal vote statement and your partner’s statement and postal vote, we will attempt to match up the envelopes when we receive them.

I have incorrectly used blue pen instead of a black pen, will it still count?

As long as the information is clearly marked, return as normal.

I've spoiled my ballot paper/postal voting statement. What do I do?

If you are a registered postal voter, and you have read the above questions, you can apply for a replacement postal voting pack up to 5pm on the day of an election. You must collect it in person.

If I have applied for a postal vote, can I still vote at a polling station?

If you have applied to vote by post you cannot vote in person at a polling station. However, you can hand in your sealed postal vote to a Presiding Officer at any polling station within your constituency (before 10pm) or to the Richmond Council Offices. Please ensure your envelope is sealed and clearly says 'postal vote' to ensure it reaches the correct department.

I have torn my ballot paper. What do I do?

You can still complete the ballot paper and put all pieces in the envelopes and return as normal.

Poll cards FAQs

I have lost my poll card, can you send me another one?

No. The poll card is only sent out to inform electors that there is going to be an election. You don't need it to be able to vote. Just go along to your polling station on polling day and you will be asked to confirm your name and address. You will then be given a ballot paper.

Find your local polling station.

I have received a poll card but I'm supposed to get a postal vote. Is this correct?

All postal voters receive a postal poll card. Check whether you have actually received a postal poll card. If you think you should have received a postal vote, please contact the Electoral Services team.

I have not received a poll card; does this mean I cannot vote at the election?

Not necessarily. Contact us to check that you are registered to vote.

Polling stations FAQs

Can I vote at any polling station?

No, you must vote at the polling station designated to you. It is shown on your poll card, or you can check your local polling station online.

I can’t get to my polling station, can someone come and pick me up?

Unfortunately the Council does not provide this service. However, if you cannot get to your designated polling station you could apply for a postal or a proxy vote but please be mindful of any deadlines.

Got a question?

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Updated: 21 June 2024

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