Licensing pre-application advice
We offer a pre-application advice service to support applicants who are considering making an application for a licence.
About the service
This service is currently available to those making an application under the following licensing regimes:
- Licensing Act 2003
- Gambling Act 2005
- London Local Authorities Act 1991 – Part II (Special Treatments)
- The Animal Welfare (licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018
- Other applications or registrations
The pre-application advice is designed to support applicants in understanding:
- That the right type of licence is being applied for
- The application form has been completed correctly
- What policies may be applied to an application and why
- The needs of the local area where the proposed premises is situated
- Any specific measures that may need to be considered when submitting an application
- If specialist input may be required, for example, Responsible Authorities, Safety Advisory Group.
The Licensing service can help you:
- Understand and be aware of relevant policies
- Identify any requirements for specialist input for example, responsible authorities
- Check your application and supporting documentation to ensure compliance with legislative requirements
- Reduce the time and cost you spend working on the application
- Explain or make you aware of when an application is unacceptable – does not meet legislative or policy requirements
- Carry out an admin service to deal with the circulation and production of application forms and public notices on your behalf
The benefits of using this service include:
- Save time - Applications can be delayed due to basic errors - avoid these delays by using our services.
- Save money – Licensing officers will help ensure the process will not need to be re-started; you will avoid incurring additional costs in re-submitting applications, plans, advert notices etc.
- Give you peace of mind – Licensing officers will make sure your application is correctly completed, ensure that you only apply for what you need and ensure that your licence is fit for purpose.
- Secure – Licensing officers will ensure your application is electronically submitted and depending on the type of application, serve on the relevant Responsible Authorities.
Categories of advice
Consider each category to determine which option will be most suitable for your application.
Notice preparation and place on site
We will:
- Advise you on the content of the statutory notice
- Assist you with completion of the statutory public and press notices and provide you with completed copies of the required notices.
- Print the notice and display it on site/at the premises for you in a prominent place so that members of the public can easily view the notice.
- Give you an acceptance date of your application so that the relevant statutory consultation period commences immediately from that date.
Check and send service
Licensing officers will meet with you to do a pre-submission validation check to ensure there are no errors or omissions that may result in an application being rejected as invalid. We can check completed draft application forms and advising on statutory requirements and the statutory fee for Application for Transfer of licence, Variation of Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) and Temporary Event Notice (TEN).
We will:
- Check your application to ensure it is valid and has been correctly completed.
- Submit electronically on your behalf to the appropriate Responsible Authorities.
- Give you an acceptance date so that the relevant statutory consultation period commences immediately from that date.
- Check the statutory public and press notices and provide you with completed copies of the required notices.
- Submit on your behalf to the relevant Responsible Authorities
- Serve the application on the existing Designated Premises Supervisor.
Pre-application consultation service
We will do a pre-submission validation check of your application form and give advice on the legislation, our policy and (where appropriate) the kind of conditions you might want to offer in the operating schedule. This will be helpful for applicants/licence holders to:
- Gain an understanding of potential issues that may arise from their application
- Consider any appropriate conditions and/or comments that may alleviate concerns of consultees or Responsible Authorities
- Understand any policy implications arising from their application
- Understand the likelihood of the application being successful
Application types:
- Small application - Advice regarding small licence applications, the effect of which would have a minimal environmental impact on neighbouring properties. We would deal with the licensing process, guidance on plans, possible conditions, etc
- Medium application - Advice for medium size applications including a site visit by an Environmental Health Officer and/or a Licensing Officer if required, a meeting and written report(s)
- Large application - Advice for large applications including multiple (if necessary) site visits by an Environmental Health Officer, meetings with Environmental Health Officers and Licensing Officers and written report(s).
- Extra large events - Categories, A, B and C - 5,000 people or more. Advice for extra large public events includes the cost of specialist officers carrying out inspections, giving advice, providing written reports and the cost of a supervising officer monitoring any reports provided as part of this service
View fees for licensing pre-application advice.
Make a request for pre-application advice
Complete the request for licensing pre-application advice (MS Word, 55 KB) and email the completed form to
If you have any problems accessing the form or completing it, please call 020 8545 3969.
Once we receive your request we will contact you to take payment over the phone by debit or credit card. Once payment has been received we will contact you within five working days.
Any advice given will be from our Licensing Team, acting in their roles as Responsible Authorities under the provisions of Section 13 of The Licensing Act 2003.
With regard to any pre-application advice, the written confirmation will state that pre-application advice will not give applicants any exemptions from the licensing process. Responsible Authorities, including the licensing team may still make a representation against the application and the application may still need to be heard at a Licensing Sub-Committee for a decision to be made.
The advice given will not include views from other responsible authorities such as the Police, Fire Authority, etc. Determining any application that is subject to representations will be the function of the Licensing Sub-Committee who will consider the application and the representations on its own merits and determine the application accordingly on the basis of whether it promotes the licensing objectives.
Up to: Licences and street trading
Updated: 04 October 2022
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