Supporting the Mayor’s charity events this summer
19 July 2023
Councillor Suzette Nicholson
Mayor of Richmond upon Thames
Residents often want to know what the Mayor does. Mostly, it is to represent residents, and to encourage and visit the many groups of people who are making such good things happen across the borough. There are, of course, always Council meetings to chair and my first full meeting happened recently on 11 July.
One of my favourite things as Mayor has been to be offered so much cake! Among the outstanding cakes so far have been at the Riverside Communicators 25th Birthday celebration, the Anniversary of Learning English at Home and at the Richmond Sea Cadets.
Another excellent cake was provided at a meeting with the staff and volunteers of SEEN, one of my chosen charities for this Mayoral year. SEEN, previously known as the Crossway Pregnancy Advice Service, is a borough charity with offices at The Crossway, St Stephen's Church, East Twickenham. This is a charity that I have known about since it started through its excellent supporters and volunteers.
The charity provides accurate information on the options for those who find themselves with an unexpected pregnancy. It also provides a safe space for those who are distressed and suffering with their emotional wellbeing after experiencing pregnancy loss. SEEN’s help is given in a non-judgemental way and their support is unbiased. Another thing they offer is education in local schools and a women's prison. Their work can only continue if they are supported.
My other charity is Age UK, Richmond upon Thames. I became aware of this charity from seeing all their adverts about what was on offer and thinking 'this looks a lot of fun, it's a pity I haven't the time to join in all these activities'. Age UK Richmond has helped older residents in the local community for over 50 years. They help people to enjoy life especially when things might have become difficult because of age. I am particularly pleased that Age UK Richmond is delivering a Council funded project called Dementia Friendly Richmond.
The Mayor also holds fundraising events for their chosen charities (more chance to eat cake!). The next event is a coffee morning at Asgill House on Thursday 3 August. The day will be a chance to hear about the house and see its elegant garden, which is located by Richmond Riverside.
Tickets for events are available on the Mayor's charity events page.
For all those residents who are hoping to invite the Mayor to an event, I'm quite happy just to be offered a cup of coffee or tea, if appropriate. The most important thing is to meet you. My doctor would probably be happier with that too! So please get in touch with my office at the Council, and I hope to meet as many of you as possible over the coming months.
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Up to: Council blog 2023
Updated: 10 August 2023