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We are carrying out a review of parking in the North Kew/Kew Green area (TW9), in response to residents' feedback.


This review was commissioned in response to complaints from residents about these roads concerning the difficulties they experience in finding a parking space close to their home, which were attributed primarily to the parking of vehicles by non-residents (all day commuters and long stay parking). The consultation also takes into account the following:

The new Brentford Football Club stadium and flats development over Kew Bridge which, when completed during 2020/21, could place considerable additional pressure on parking space in the North Kew area.

Major events held at Kew Gardens which result in additional pressure on parking space in the North Kew area on these occasions.

The recent suspension of all parking spaces along the west side of Kew Road between Lion Gate Gardens and Kew Gardens Road to extend the operational times of the existing northbound cycle lane from 8am to 10am to 'at any time'. This is in response to the Government’s call for urgent action to help offset the reduction in public transport arising from the need to support social distancing. The Government believes that this should be achieved first and foremost through encouraging more walking and cycling. We will soon formalise this arrangement through the implementation of an experimental traffic/cycle scheme in Kew Road with a view to a more permanent arrangement in the future.

As part of the review, we are carrying out a consultation with residents and businesses within the area shown on the North Kew Plan (pdf, 329 KB) to ask for views on the present parking conditions, including whether you would support the introduction of a new Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ), and, if so, what days and hours it should operate.

Public meeting

The consultation was preceded by a public meeting in St Anne’s Church Hall, Kew on Wednesday 15 January 2020 and attended by Council officers and ward Councillors. The format of the meeting was as follows:

  • Exhibition - from 5.45 to 7pm. Officers were available to answer any questions on the parking issues in the area
  • Public Meeting- from 7 to 8.30pm. This comprised an introduction to the study and an opportunity for questions and discussion on how a parking scheme would operate
  • Read the minutes of the public meeting (pdf, 178KB)

Parking surveys

Two parking usage surveys were conducted overnight on Thursday 4 and Saturday 7 June 2020 to provide an indication of resident parking demand. An information sheet will be posted here when the consultation opens.

Parking proposals

  • We are of the view that parking controls should apply every day between 10am to 4.30pm as a minimum. Longer days/hours are available
  • An option to include an Event day zone will be provided
  • Coach 'drop off' and 'pick up' areas and a taxi rank outside Elizabeth Gate
  • Introduction of one-way working on the western arm of Kew Green
  • The installation of double yellow lines in certain areas to ensure safe and unobstructed vehicular access
  • A review of the scheme after 6 months of operation

View the preliminary design (pdf, 2.2 MB).


The consultation opened on Tuesday 28 July and closed on Wednesday 26 August 2020.


The results formed part of a wider report. View report.


  • To make Experimental Traffic Orders to implement new parking controls (Zone KC) in all roads in the North Kew area to operate Monday to Sunday (including Bank Holidays), between 10am and 4.30pm and during major events in the area as set out in this report
  • To include provision for a coach 'drop-off' and 'pick-up' area and a taxi rank
  • To make an Experimental Traffic Order to implement a new one-way working system along the western arm of Kew Green
  • Close monitoring of the scheme and associated measures to be carried out during the first six months of operation
  • Minor amendments to the scheme could be made prior to the making of the Experimental Traffic Orders in discussion with ward councillors and with the agreement of the Director of Environment and Community Services
  • Modifications to the scheme could be made within the first six months of operation in discussion with ward councillors and with the agreement of the Director of Environment and Community Services
  • Scheme to be fully reviewed after six months of operation

View the final design (pdf, 2.0 MB)


Posters were installed on lamp posts throughout the area from 24 February and will be posted through the doors on 26th February informing residents of the CPZ start date and that more information regarding implementation and permit guidance will follow. Letters are due to be delivered to all residents and businesses in the North Kew CPZ from Monday 1 March 2021 containing information on the permit implementation programme and how to apply for a permit. A summary of the implementation programme is below:

  • Lining and signing works will be programmed to commence from Monday 1 March 2021
  • There may be a need to apply some parking suspensions to facilitate the lining works. However, we will endeavour to keep these, along with the amount of signage required, to a minimum. In the event of a vehicle being relocated, a Penalty Charge Notice will be issued for procedural purposes but this will not carry a charge
  • Whilst the lining is going in now, the scheme will not come into force until 19 April and so the new bays and yellow lines will not be enforceable until that date. Nevertheless we would kindly ask drivers to refrain from parking in these areas from now as their purpose is to ensure access for all vehicles, especially emergency service vehicles. Your co-operation is appreciated whilst these works are carried out
  • Only those vehicles displaying a valid permit (resident/business or visitor) will be entitled to park in the zone during the operational times
  • Residents and businesses can apply for parking permits for their vehicle(s) unless a Section 106 Planning Agreement applies which restricts or prohibits the issue of parking permits
  • Only residents may apply for Resident Visitor Permits for their visitors' vehicles.
  • These permits will be valid throughout Zone KC
  • All permits obtained must be displayed from Monday 19 April 2021. (They will be charged from 1 June 2021)
  • All existing Zone KC resident and resident visitor permits will remain valid
  • From Monday 19 April to Sunday 2 May 2021 any parking contraventions such as parking without a permit may result in warning notices being affixed to vehicles, but there will be no further action taken. Please be advised that, from Monday 3 May, Penalty Charge Notices could be issued

Implementation update

  • Due to some technical issues, the scheme start date has been delayed from Monday 19 April to Thursday 22 April
  • All permits (resident, business, resident visitor, trader) must be displayed from Thursday 22 April
  • However, from Monday 3 May, Penalty Charge Notices could be issued. Warning notices will be issued from Thursday 22 April to Sunday 2 May to any vehicles without a valid permit on display
  • However, the pay by phone service in the shared use bays around Kew Green will only be available from Monday 3 May so parking in these spaces will remain free up to and including Sunday 2 May 2021. If you park in these spaces from Monday 3 May 2021, you will need to pay by phone or display a valid parking permit for this zone
  • The one-way system around Kew Green is not in operation. Signs will be installed in the areas prior to implementation and updates will be posted here
  • View North Kew Event Controlled Parking Zone


To find out more, contact us by email at or call 020 8891 1411.

Updated: 19 August 2021

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