Page 14 - Guidance for Schools, Colleges, and Youth Services :: Portus
P. 14

             Risks and strengths assessment.                  Dealing with contagion
             It is important to ensure that there is a risk   When a student is engaged in self-harming
             assessment in place which relates to the self-   behaviour it is important to be vigilant in case close
             harming and or suicidal behaviour, possible triggers,   contacts of this individual are also engaging in
             and strategies to be used to minimise risk. The   similar behaviours. Occasionally, schools/colleges
             example Risks and Strengths Assessment    is for   or residential settings may discover that several
             guidance only and should be adapted according to   students in the same peer group are harming
             individual need.                                 themselves.
             Following a risk assessment schools/colleges can   Self-harm can be seen as an acceptable way of
             refer to the Self-Harm and Suicide Prevention    dealing with stress within a peer group and may
             Pathway   . The Pathway has been developed using   increase peer identity. This can cause considerable
             a graduated needs-based approach: Getting Advice,   anxiety in staff, parents and carers, as well as in other
             Getting Help, Getting More Help and Getting Risk   students.

             Meetings Advice                                  Students may have different reasons
                                                              for their self-harming behaviour and
             Be mindful that some of the student’s problems may   should be given the opportunity for
             arise from issues at home and they may wish for any   appropriate one-to-one support.
             initial meeting to be on their own. Any meetings with
             a student, their parents or their peers regarding self-
             harm should be recorded in writing including:    In general, it is not advisable to offer regular group
                                                              support for students who self-harm. Where there
             •  Dates and times
                                                              appears to be linked behaviour or a local pattern
             •  Reference to the safety plan                  emerging, a multi-agency strategy meeting should
             •  Concerns raised                               be convened organised through Children’ Services.
             •  Details of anyone else who has been informed
             •  Risks and Strengths Assessment    This
                information should be stored in the student’s
                confidential child protection/safeguarding file.

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                   Portus - A Safe Space - Guidance on Self-harm and Suicide Prevention for Schools, Colleges and Youth Services.
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