Page 4 - Parent & Carer Support Information :: Portus
P. 4

             Discovering your child is                         Dealing with your emotions
             self-harming                                      It is very normal to feel strong emotions. If you can,
                                                               try to take some time to let your feelings settle. It’s
             Some parents may notice the signs of self-harm in   best to focus on your child’s needs at this time, and
             their children. Some children may tell their parents   it will support your child better if you are able to
             about their self-harm; other parents find out from   approach the situation calmly and with a willingness
             friends, teachers, or medical staff.
                                                               to listen and understand.
             Discovering that your child is self-harming can be   It might be helpful to get yourself some support and
             very upsetting and stressful. Parents may experience
             a range of emotions, including anger, sadness,    an outlet so you can manage your feelings and best
                                                               support your child.
             helplessness, frustration, shame or disgust.
                                                               While self-harm can seem very dramatic and can
                                                               be initially shocking, keep in mind that this is your
                                                               child’s way of best trying to manage overwhelming
                                                               and difficult feelings that they can’t handle any
                                                               other way. In letting out emotions this way it can
                                                               protect them from doing something more extreme.

                         Portus - A Safe Space - Self-harm and Suicide Prevention - Parent & Carer Support Information
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