Page 6 - Parent & Carer Support Information :: Portus
P. 6

             Getting the right support for                     Consent for sharing information
             your child.                                       Your child can recover from their emotional distress
                                                               with the right support. The best support will include
             Once you have discovered that your child is harming   working together with other people.
             themselves it is important to help them get support
             for their emotional distress. The kind of help they   Some parents may not want anyone else to know
             will need will depend on their level of need.     that their child is struggling with their mental
                                                               health, this is an understandable feeling because
             Involve your child if possible and ask them who   society is not as understanding about mental
             they’d like you to talk to. If possible, get their
             permission to speak to their school and GP to     distress as it should be.
             understand the best option of support.            This guidance has been developed because we want
                                                               people to get the help they need to feel better.
             If they won’t give permission, depending on their
             age and the severity of the situation, you could give
             them a bit more time, or you may need to say that   It’s important to give your consent
             you understand they’re not happy about this but    to your GP and school so they can
             you do need to get them some help.                 share information with the right
             While it’s good to involve their GP and school, there   people when supporting your child.
             are other options including online support and
             private therapy. (See some support options below
             under Helpful Resources).                          Your school and GP will make sure you know
                                                                what information they will share before they
             INVOLVING SCHOOL                                   do this.

             Many schools have access to psychological support
             through the new Mental Health Support Teams
             There are specific resources available to schools to
             support them in making the best decisions about                     CAMHS
             how to help your child.

             If you want to speak to someone at
             your school start with your child’s                 Friends                           GP
             Head of Year, they will be able to put
             you in touch with the best person to
             help.  We have included some links
             below to additional information on
             helping your child.

                                                                        Family             School

                                                               This toolkit contains a pathway specifically to help
                                                               your children’s school college and GP find the
                                                               right support.

                         Portus - A Safe Space - Self-harm and Suicide Prevention - Parent & Carer Support Information
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