Continuity of care when moving to a new area
Moving to a new community can be an exciting and daunting experience. People move for many reasons, one being, to be closer to family because they have care and support needs.
The Care Act 2014 ensures that you receive proper 'continuity of care' if you decide to move from one area to another. This means that if you are receiving care and support in one area, you will continue to receive this support on the day of your arrival in the new area.
How Care Act 2014 works
If you are thinking of moving, you or someone on your behalf, like a family member or carer, have to contact the local council in the area you are moving to and tell them about your plans. They will be able to give you more information and advice about local services to help you make a decision about your move. They will then get in touch with the council where you are currently living to make sure that you're genuinely looking to move.
The sooner you let the council know about your plans, they can start looking into your situation and help make arrangements.
Sharing of information between the councils
The council in the area where you are currently living and who has carried out your care and support assessment in the first place, must provide a copy of your most recent care and support plan and any other information as requested to the other council. If you have a carer who is also moving and is continuing to support you after you move, the council must also provide your carer's most recent support plan.
The new council will then undertake its own care and support assessment and carers assessment to find out if there are any changes to your needs as a result of the move. For example, you may be moving nearer to family and not need as much support from the council or you may need more support in your new home. If possible and practical, both assessments can take place before you move to ensure that the right care and support is in place when you arrive.
Both councils will keep in touch throughout this process and keep you informed.
What happens when you move
Even if the new council has not completed its own assessment before you move, they have to make sure your needs are met from the day you move. They can use the information provided by your current council to decide what services to put in place to meet your needs until they have completed their own assessment. This should ensure that you don't experience any gap in the care and support you need every day.
Up to: Who we can help
Updated: 29 July 2022
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