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Community activities in libraries

Find a group to learn a new skill, or come along to one of our regular craft fairs.

Belle Parole! Italian Conversation Group

Come and flex your language muscles at our friendly and informal conversation group with the guidance of a native speaker. Explore various topics and meet other learners and enthusiasts, gaining confidence as you do. Open to speakers with elementary and intermediate language proficiency.

Open to learners on levels A2 – B1. Not suitable for beginners

Event details Castelnau:

  • Date: Second and fourth Friday of the month
  • Time: 3.30 to 4.30pm
  • Location: Castelnau Library
  • Price: Free, no booking required

Event details Richmond:

  • Date: Second and fourth Wednesday of the month (Starts Wednesday 12 June)
  • Time: 5 to 6pm
  • Location: Richmond Library
  • Price: Free, no booking required

Bingo extravaganza

Need a midweek pick-me-up? Eyes down and have a bit of fun! Weekly prizes to be won!

Event details:

  • Date: Last Wednesday of each month
  • Time: 2 to 3.30pm
  • Location: Ham Library, Ham Street, Ham. TW10 7HR  
  • Price: Free, no booking required

Club di Conversazione

Practice your Italian in a small group with a native speaker. Come and join the conversation with other learners and enthusiasts and gain confidence under the supervision of native Italian speaking volunteers! Speakers of all levels are invited to participate, although some previous knowledge of Italian is required.

Event details:

  • Date:
    • First and third Wednesday of the month - Group for beginner learners
    • Second and fourth Wednesday of the month - Group for intermediate and advanced learners
  • Time: 6 to 7pm
  • Location: Zoom
  • Price: Free event, but booking is required. Email to book a spot

The groups are small to allow everybody to join the conversation online.

Club del libro Italiano

Practice your Italian at this monthly shared reading group.

Improve your Italian language skills and learn more about Italian culture and literature at this informal book club. You will get the opportunity to read and discuss texts together on a range of topics from literature, food, the arts, linguistics, and much more!

Event details:

  • Date: Tuesday 19 November
  • Time: 5pm
  • Location: Twickenham Library
  • Price: Free event

Cost of living advice project

Citizens Advice can advise you on how to access help with the cost of living crisis such as applying for grants, checking if you are getting the correct benefits and helping you with debts.

For further advice you can visit:

  • Whitton Library - Every Wednesday from 10am to 1pm
  • Ham Library - Every Friday from 1.30 to 4.30pm

No appointment needed.

Curtains up! A Play Reading Group

Join other theatre enthusiasts for a reading of a chosen play and broaden your knowledge of excellent writing at this friendly and spirited reading group.

You are welcome to take part, or simply listen and enjoy the reading! Suitable for all ages, and no preparation is required.

  • Date: Third Thursday of the month
  • Time: 2 to 4pm
  • Location: Twickenham Library

No booking required.

French Conversation Group

Join us and practise your French in a small group with a native speaker. Come and join the conversation with other learners and enthusiasts and gain confidence under the supervision of native French speaking volunteers! Speakers of all levels are invited to participate, although previous knowledge of French is helpful.

Event details:

  • Date: Every Wednesday
  • Time: 10.30 to 11.30am
  • Location: Whitton Library

¡Hola! Spanish Conversation Group

This group is currently taking a break. Please check this page for further updates.

Knit and natter

Do you enjoy knitting, crocheting or cross stitch? Bring whatever you're working on and join our friendly group for a morning of making. Crafters of all levels are welcome to join these informal gatherings to learn some tips, gain inspiration, and meet new people. Please bring your own yarn if you can.

  • Date: Second Monday and third Friday of the month
  • Time: 10am to 12 noon
  • Location: Twickenham Library (second Monday of the month) and Ham Library (third Friday of the month)

Mend, Make and Craft

Our Mend, Make and Craft classes take place from 10am to 12 noon every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Charges may apply - contact your local group facilitator for further details.

National Databank scheme

You may be eligible to receive free mobile phone data, texts and calls via the pilot National Databank scheme, run by libraries in partnership with the Good Things Foundation.

Find out more about the pilot National Databank scheme and how to apply.

Novel Steps

Combining the energetic discussion of a traditional book group with exploring our beautiful borough on foot, Novel Steps is a walking-and-reading group that meets monthly to chat about books, life, the universe, and everything.

Each session follows a pre-planned route so you can focus on enjoying the gentle exercise, fresh air, and friendly conversation. Walks are roughly three miles long, and copies of the books are provided in advance.

In April we will be walking around Ham Lands, starting and ending at Teddington Lock, while discussing Kala by Colin Walsh.

Event details:

  • Date: Thursday 24 April 2025
  • Time: Meet at 10.20am for a 10.30am start
  • Location: Teddington Lock

Book for this month's Novel Steps

Open Gaming Meetup

Whether you are a board game enthusiast or new to the scene, come and join us for a new monthly open gaming event and have fun, meet new people and try a new game or two. Choose from the dozens of games available or bring along your favourite to share.

Sessions run from 10am to 4pm on the following Saturdays each month:

  • First Saturday - Whitton Library
  • Second Saturday - Twickenham Library
  • Third Saturday - Richmond Old Town Hall, Whittaker Ellis Suite

This event is free and no booking is required. Please contact for more information.

Page Turners

Find comfort and connection through great literature. 

Our weekly Page Turner sessions, delivered in partnership with The Reader. Come along to one of our friendly, relaxing Shared Reading sessions, led by an experienced Reader Leader.

At Page Turners we read an extract or short story together, perhaps even a poem, pausing to discuss and share our thoughts. There is no need to read anything in advance, just join the sessions.

Hot drinks and biscuits are provided. Everyone is welcome.

Choose a session to suit you. No need to book.

Session details:

  • Date: Wednesdays
  • Time: 2 to 3.30pm
  • Location: Twickenham Library in the Arthur Burrell Room

Reading al fresco

Join nature-themed shared reading sessions in Teddington Library’s green and peaceful garden throughout the warmer months.

In these special summer sessions, enjoy the fresh air and conversation as we read aloud an extract from a great book, short story or poem. We then stop to talk about what we have read. 

There is no expectation for people taking part to read aloud or speak – it’s fine to just drop in to listen. Everyone is welcome.

Biscuits and cold drinks are provided.

Reading al fresco will restart in Spring 2025.

Reminiscence Café

Are you interested in socialising in an informal and friendly setting? Do you enjoy listening to talks on history and local interest topics?

Then our Reminiscence Café is just the right thing for you! Each month the Reminiscence Café provides a space to socialise and enjoy talks on a variety of topics by guest speakers.

The secret history: Britain and the Cold War

A fascinating insight with Dr Stephen Goss.

What was Britain’s covert role in the Cold War and the fall of the Soviet regime? How would Richmond have fared, and was it on the Soviet target list?

Discover secret bunkers, clandestine plans, and government preparations for post-apocalyptic Britain. Don’t miss this revealing look at the Cold War’s local impact and Britain’s pivotal role in the East-West struggle.

Event details:

  • Date: Friday 21 March
  • Time: 11.00am to 12.15pm
  • Location: Richmond Library Annexe, Quadrant Rd, Richmond, TW9 1DH

Free event, no booking required.

Riverside Poetry Group with Babs Lee

Nurture your love of poetry and have a go at writing your own material under the expert guidance of local published poet Babs Lee.

Each friendly and informal session will explore poetry from different authors, followed by a discussion over tea and biscuits, and the chance to write your own poem.

Event details:

Riverside yoga classes

Free yoga sessions for everyone.

Relax and rejuvenate at our riverside yoga classes in Richmond. Suitable for all levels, from beginners to experienced yogis.

Our qualified instructor will guide you through breathwork, meditation, and fundamental poses.

Please bring your own yoga mat and wear comfortable clothing.

  • Date: First Wednesday of the month
  • Time: 5.30 to 6.45pm
  • Location: Whittaker Ellis Suite, Old Town Hall, Whittaker Avenue, Richmond TW9 1TP
  • Price: Free event, booking required

Book riverside yoga classes

Scrabble Group

Looking for a friendly afternoon pickup? Join one (or both) of our friendly Scrabble sessions!

Event details Ham:

  • Date: Every Friday
  • Time: 11am to 1pm
  • Location: Ham Library

Event details Twickenham:

These events are free and no booking is required.

Transform Work Life

A series of interactive seminars aimed at developing knowledge and understanding of your personal and professional skills, to enhance employability and to encourage potential transformation in your work and life situation.

Sessions run from February to June 2025 at Richmond Old Town Hall and are free to Richmond residents.

Find out more about Transform Work Life.

Updated: 27 March 2025

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