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Library strategy - Consultation

In December 2018, Richmond Library Service carried out a CIPFA Public Library Users Survey (PLUS) of adult library visitors across all 12 libraries and engaged with over 3,500 users. The survey objectives were to evaluate customer satisfaction to ensure the service was well-managed and as efficient as possible.

These surveys are usually repeated every three years but the 2021 survey was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic so the 2018 survey remains the most recent. See Appendix B for the full results.

Answered 'Good' or 'Very good' CIPFA PLUS 2018



Overall library service 94%
Opening hours 91%
Library building interiors 86%
Book stock condition 91%
Book stock choice 82%
Computers 79%
Information provision 84%

In November 2019, a short public consultation project was carried out at Twickenham Library prior to a building refurbishment. 131 library users participated in the survey. The majority of visitors to Twickenham Library surveyed came to borrow or return items, 27% came to participate in some form of social activity and 37% made use of the WiFi or computers. 22% came to buy garden refuse sacks or to deposit small electricals in the WEEE recycling bins.

Next: Our values

Updated: 21 April 2023

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