Library strategy - Our strategies and outcomes
We will focus our future offers and activities on the following six core strategic priorities in order to achieve the desired outcomes for residents via high-quality, responsive and inclusive services.
Inspiring a community of readers at all ages
- Encouraging reading for pleasure at all ages
- Providing free accessible high-quality books, eBooks, resources curated by professional specialist librarians
- Offering an annual programme of creative reading promotions and events for adults and children
- Improving literacy in children and adults for better life chances
- Strengthening links with local educational and childcare facilities for partnership working
- Supporting national and local literacy initiatives for all ages, from under 5s to senior citizens
- Ensuring a high-speed reservation service to meet customer expectations on delivery of materials
Outcome - Adults and children extend their reading experiences and foster a love of reading for pleasure.
Empowering learners and bridging the digital divide
- Ensuring residents are given opportunities to participate in informal learning and fulfil their aspirations
- Offering free public computers and tablets, internet and Wi-Fi access
- Promoting and supporting digital citizenship
- Supporting vulnerable residents back into work and helping them navigate online systems for daily life
- Keeping pace with technology, ensuring services are innovative and responsive to evolving need
- Being responsive to the needs of resident groups, such as students, homeworkers and entrepreneurs who may have different needs post pandemic
Outcome - Individuals aspire to and reach their learning goals
Supporting health, well-being, and inclusion
- Contributing to the mental and emotional wellbeing of residents
- Acting as a safe stepping stone for residents returning to their lives during the pandemic recovery
- Developing partnerships with local health and wellbeing agencies (incl. the voluntary sector) to deliver improved health outcomes
- Providing targeted services to respond to particular health needs, including dementia, help combat social isolation and loneliness in vulnerable residents
- Supporting residents with mental health needs with targeted resources and safe, welcoming cool/warm spaces
- Working in partnership with youth services / wellbeing agencies targeting young people potentially at risk
- Developing more recreational events for residents with long term debilitating illnesses
- Creating welcoming environments for all users, including provision of quality user friendly public facilities that are cool in summer and warm in winter
Outcome - Local people have an improved sense of health and wellbeing
Opportunities for cultural and creative enrichment
- Supporting and engaging with the Cultural Strategy (2021-2031)
- Working collaboratively with the local Arts Team, Parks Team and other cultural departments to deliver joint outcomes
- Offering and encouraging creative and cultural experiences for all ages
- Providing opportunities for people to meet and share in the social life of their local community
- Celebrating the shared and differing cultures and rich heritage of the borough
- Working to demonstrate a cohesive community feel to services to encourage diverse users
Outcome - Communities explore and celebrate their rich cultural and creative heritage
Promoting sustainable choices
- Leading by example and action within the community on environmental issues
- Maintaining high-quality book stock for loan/sharing in the community as a model of sustainability
- Working to make library buildings more sustainable and energy efficient, including opportunities for energy generation
- Working towards more sustainable electric library vehicles
- Creating opportunities for learning in the community focused on climate change for residents
- Providing value for money services, with data to show value added and impact made
- Working in partnership with like-minded organisations to deliver sustainable community initiatives
Outcome - Communities are working together for a sustainable future
Instilling a sense of pride and belonging
- Celebrating local people and the borough of Richmond upon Thames
- Making libraries the focal points for communities, acting as gateways to other services
- Providing employment, career pathways and volunteering opportunities for local people
- Modelling authenticity in the workforce to encourage recruitment of diverse team members
- Supporting the development of the local economy and small businesses
- Supporting town centre vitality from a position at the heart of the community
- Collecting and making accessible the rich history of the local area
Outcome - Local people are proud of their area, their communities and their library services
Updated: 21 April 2023
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