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Use this form to make a suggestion, request or to comment on how we can improve our street scene, transport planning and parking provision.

Before you start

Please be aware that your request should normally be made on behalf of at least 51% of households in the road or area for it to be investigated and not simply of those that have completed or returned a survey form.

Check that you are completing the correct form. This form can be used for:

  • Suggesting where traffic calming measures are required
  • Suggesting traffic signals for retiming or removing
  • Raising concerns about traffic congestion in specific areas
  • Reporting pedestrian crossing issues
  • Any other comments

Some requests and suggestions need to be made separately:

Speed limits

You can find guidance on speed limits.

Faulty traffic signals

All traffic signals in London are installed and maintained by TfL and if any signals are not working properly then they can be reported online on the TfL website. We are interested to hear of any sets of signals that may need retiming or removing. We can pass this on to TfL for comments if appropriate.

Street scene issues

A fault with our street scene can be reported online. The report will be directed to the appropriate team for attention.

You will need

  • Your address and contact details
  • Details of your suggestion and of the percentage of support for your suggestion in the affected area

What happens next

  • You will be contacted to discuss your suggestion by the appropriate department
  • You will normally be asked to provide your survey information demonstrating that you have support of at least half of all the residents in the road or area affected before a preliminary assessment is made
  • You will need to provide the full name, address and signature of each resident supporting the request or suggestion

Start my request

Short- this form shouldn’t take long to complete.

Updated: 28 June 2024

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