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You may have read about a recent confirmed sighting of an Asian hornet in East London.

These hornets are originally from China and the Indian subcontinent. Sporadic sightings have been recorded since 2016, but increased numbers are predicted with the hotter weather due to climate change.


The Asian hornet is smaller than our native hornet with a darker abdomen and distinctive lower yellow legs. Nests can be found in tall trees in both urban and rural areas as well as garages and sheds, but rarely in holes in walls or in the ground.

This image is taken from the NNSS identification sheet.

Threat to honey bees

Asian hornets pose no greater risk to humans than a bee, but they are a threat to our native honey bee. If they become established in the UK it will become a substantial problem for the honeybee and other pollinators.

Record sightings

To help protect our native honey bees please submit any sightings. There are a number of ways to do this:

Including good photos with your submission will help with identification.

Updated: 24 October 2023

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