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Local land charges services and fee list

When submitting a full 'Local Land Charges Requisition for Search' you should include forms LLC1 and CON29 in duplicate (these forms are obtainable from Solicitors or Law Stationers). You may wish to submit CON29O in addition to LLC1/CON29 if you need optional questions. 

One plan is required with every search requisition; please ensure the extent of land and property to be searched is clearly highlighted in red.

Submitting your request

You can submit your request by completing our request a Local Land Charges search form.

Alternatively, submit your request in the following way:

  • Email requesting information on how to pay by BACS
  • Include the LLC1 and Con29 forms, including a plan with the appropriate boundary edged red

The team will then respond detailing the required fee and the bank details, including information on the current turnarounds. The Local Land Charges service no longer accept requests by cheque.

Local land charges fees

A list of our fees and charges are set out in the table below. Where VAT is applicable, such as CON29, it is included in the price.

Table of charges
Fee payable Net Vat Total
Basic search (LLC1 and CON29) £157.50 £31.50 £189
LLC1 ONLY £42 N/A £42
CON29 ONLY £122.50 £24.50 £147
CON29O Optional Enquiries (Questions 4-22) £26 £5.20 £31.20
Additional parcel fee (LLC1 and CON29) N/A N/A £35.20
Additional parcel fee (LLC1 only) £13 N/A £13
Additional parcel fee (CON29 only) £18.50 £3.70 £22.20
Extra question £70 N/A £70
Registration on a local land charge on behalf of a third party £78 N/A £78
Personal Search N/A

Additional questions

Additional questions, chargeable at £70 per question, are defined as questions that are of a solicitor's own making and are not addressed within the set questions on the CON29 or CON29O.

The authority cannot guarantee a response in all cases.

We are unable to answer questions relating to contaminated land as part of the search process.

For questions related to contaminated land, see the Contaminated Land page.

Additional parcels

An additional parcel of land is a separate part of a building (for example, a flat above a shop), or a building adjoining the property being searched upon. Please see notes 2 and 3 on the back of the LLC1 form for further information.

Copy documents

Fees payable for obtaining copy documents
Fee payable Cost per copy
Copy Planning Documents £0.20 per sheet
Admin fee (including VAT)   £23.50 (electronic copy)

Please be aware that some documents such as Smoke Control Orders are available for inspection only.

Updated: 06 February 2025

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