Young people’s health and wellbeing survey
We developed the Richmond Young People’s Survey to understand pupils’ views on aspects of health and wellbeing including: healthy eating; safety; emotional wellbeing and leisure time.
About the survey
The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated existing inequalities in the borough and the impacts on children and young people are slowly beginning to emerge.
To enable local understanding of the impact the pandemic had on young people, we commissioned the School Health Education Unit (SHEU) to deliver cross-borough anonymous Health Related Behaviour Questionnaires (HRBQ) to primary and secondary schools’ pupils in the spring and summer terms of 2022.
The results will help public health, local schools, and our partners to plan and commission services in response to the impact of the pandemic. The survey reached over 4,800 young people in primary (years 4, 5 and 6) and secondary (years 8 and 10) schools; and utilised an adapted survey for special educational need schools.
Survey findings
The results are organised into one main report and five topical reports which will help to understand the real and felt impact of the pandemic on children and young people in Richmond.
The surveys covered a range of topics including emotional health and wellbeing, healthy eating, physical activity and leisure, alcohol and drugs, safety, relationships and sex education/growing up, the internet, and COVID-19.
Watch Richmond Young People's Survey 2022 to get a flavour of what you can find in the reports below that summarise the findings of the survey:
- Summary borough report
(pdf, 920 KB)
- Drug education and substances topical report
(pdf, 855 KB)
- Emotional health and wellbeing topical report
(pdf, 876 KB)
- Relationships and sexual health topical report
(pdf, 812 KB)
- Safety topical report
(pdf, 847 KB)
- Healthy lifestyles topical report
(pdf, 856 KB)
Up to: Public health publications
Updated: 13 November 2024
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