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Food provision is an important part of ensuring the food that children eat during the school day collectively complies with the School Food Standards.

Meeting the School Food Standards

It is the statutory responsibility of the governing body and trustees to ensure the School Food Standards are being met. Guidance for governors is available from the Department for Education (DfE).

The School Food Plan

The School Food Planoffers a variety of information on how to provide healthy school meals including resourcesfor school cooks. 

Checklists are also available. They can be used to check if food provision across the school day (breakfast, snack, lunch and afterschool provision) complies with the School Food Standards. These include:

Other useful school food resources

The following resources can also help schools to plan healthy food provision that meets the standards:

Breakfast and after school clubs

If your school is considering setting up or reinvigorating a breakfast club, these resources can support you:

School Food Matters also provides an afterschool club guide. It offers tips on how to improve after school food provision. Similarly, Children's Food Trust has developed after school club recipes and tips (pdf, 1.6 MB).

Water only schools

These are schools that offers only water and milk during the school day. This is inclusive of breakfast, and after school food provision. For more information, view the water only tool kits for primary and secondary schools.

All schools should offer milk to their pupils. Those under the age of five should receive free milk, for older children parents can buy milk via a scheme available in their school, for example, Cool Milk. Ask your school what scheme they use.

Updated: 08 February 2023

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