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Eating a healthy, balanced diet and moving more is an important part of maintaining good health and helping you to feel your best.

Information and advice

We offer a range of guidance about healthy eating and physical activity, and we can direct you to helpful NHS resources.

Eat well for less

Do you want to eat healthily but have a tight budget? Visit our Healthy eating page for tips about keeping the costs low.

Get moving more

Moving more means aiming to do some physical activity every day – this is recommended in national guidelines. Start small by finding easy ways to fit more activity into your daily life and build up from there. It could be a daily walk or walking up the stairs.

National guidelines also suggest that adults should aim to complete at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity every week. This works out at 22 minutes a day.

Get more inspiration to stay active for 22 minutes every day of the week by visiting our Physical activity pages

Check your body mass index (BMI)

You can learn more about your body mass index (BMI) to find out if you are a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese can put you at risk of many health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and some types of cancer.

You may benefit from a structured group weight-loss programme to receive additional support from trained staff.

Visit Better Health

The NHS Better Health service offers free advice about healthy eating and an active lifestyle for the whole family. It promotes a range of mobile apps which can help with:

  • Weight loss
  • Making healthier food swaps
  • Meal planning
  • Getting off the couch to move more

Weight loss programme for Richmond residents 

Making a change for life does not need to be difficult. With a little help, it can be really rewarding and fun.

As part of our Adult Weight Management service, we offer residents a 12-week weight-loss programme run by Enable Leisure and Culture. 

It is a free service consists of group sessions and additional support in between meetings for up to one year. The 12 weekly sessions cover:

  • Group physical activities with a qualified exercise instructor – activities are adjusted based on ability
  • Healthy eating and nutrition educational sessions with qualified nutritionists, including cooking on a budget
  • Peer and coaching support

Speak to your GP surgery to be referred to the service.

For more information and to find out if you are eligible for the new service, you can email:

Other available support

The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme supports adults living with obesity who also have a diagnosis of diabetes, hypertension or both. The programme aims to help adults manage their weight and improve their health.

It is a 12-week online behavioural and lifestyle programme that can be accessed via a smartphone or computer with internet access.

Speak to your GP or a local pharmacist who can refer you to this or another appropriate programme.

The NHS has also teamed with commercial weight loss plans to create a special offer for those wanting to lose weight. Find out more.

Updated: 10 May 2023

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