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There are different types of parking violations. Some are managed by us and others are managed by the police.

Obstructive and hazardous parking

In the absence of parking restrictions, such as yellow lines or parking bays, any vehicle parking in a way that prevents access or is otherwise creating a hazard for other road users, should be raised with your Local Safer Transport Police. They have the power to enforce against obstructions and hazards on the highway. 

The exception to this is at a dropped kerb for pedestrian or vehicle access.

Parking on footways

Parking on the pavement is illegal throughout London, unless there is a valid footway parking exemption in place. These areas should be clearly marked by a parking bay and sign.

The monitoring and enforcement of parking contraventions is overseen by our Parking Enforcement team. If you wish to report a vehicle illegally parking on the footway, you should contact the team.

Yellow lines and other parking restrictions

Any vehicle parking on a yellow line or in a restricted bay without a valid permit may be subject to a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN), issued by our Parking Enforcement team.

If you wish to report a vehicle illegally parking on a restricted part of the highway, you should contact the team.

Parking enforcement

You can report a vehicle which is contravening parking restrictions in one of the following ways:

  • Online: Make an enquiry 
  • Telephone: 020 8744 0462 - 7am to 7pm Monday to Saturday. 9am to 7pm Sunday, bank and public holidays - excluding Christmas Day
  • Out of hours: 0773 3308600 - 7pm to 10.30pm every day including bank and public holidays - excluding Christmas Day

Updated: 28 June 2024

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