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We provide a range of educational, training and publicity initiatives on road safety themes to help reduce the number and severity of personal injury collisions in the borough.

Road safety education for young people

Providing training to children and young people on how to be responsible road users and keep themselves safe.

Cycling training

We offer 3 levels of The National Standard Bikeability training on a one-to-one basis and provide Bikeability courses in schools, up to Level 2. Find out more about the cycling training we offer.

Minibus driver training

Minibus driver training is available from Richmond and Kingston Accessible Transport (RaKAT).

For further information call them on 020 8942 1745.

Motorcyclist training

Motorcycle and scooter compulsory basic training (CBT) training is available from approved training body Think Bike.

The 2Wheels London team work in close partnership with several businesses and London boroughs, including Richmond, to provide information on road safety. They offer useful tips on how to enjoy cycling or riding a powered two wheeler bike while staying safe on the roads.


For more information about using the roads safely in Richmond upon Thames please contact us:

Telephone: 020 8487 5131

Updated: 20 June 2024

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