Ellen Ernstzen talks to us about setting up and running her Pilates business.

How would you describe your business in one sentence?

Pilates Sheen & Richmond are exercise studios in East Sheen and Richmond that offer physiotherapy led rehabilitation and Pilates classes.

When did you launch and who is behind it?

I felt there was a need for exercise rehabilitation for people who are in pain or need specific sport related rehabilitation. If tennis and golf are your pastimes but your knee or your back are preventing you from participating, then doing some rehabilitation exercise with an expert can help.

I am a musculoskeletal physiotherapist who has worked in the NHS and private practice for 27 years. And 7 years ago, set up the East Sheen studio on Sheen Lane.

When did your lightbulb moment happen?

Whilst working in private physiotherapy practice, I noticed that physiotherapy appointments generally are 30 minutes long; the advice and exercise can get rushed at the end of the session.

I wanted to change that; thus my sessions are 55 minutes with no rush at the end.

What would you say were the most challenging aspects of setting up the business?

The most challenging aspects of setting up this type of business is finding appropriate affordable space. I partnered with Apples & Bees Health food shop in East Sheen and rents some space at the back of their shop.

This has been an incredible experience as both businesses benefit from each other’s services, and it is an affordable option and great collaboration. 

The smartest career decision you made…

The smartest decision I made was to trust myself and believe that what I could offer there would be a market for. It is a ‘self-pay’ model which is different to private healthcare where a lot of people use insurance. 

The best career advice you received…

A business coach once told me you are either ‘earning or learning’. The physiotherapy profession has a commitment to continued professional development. I have added business learning by attending the ‘Help to Grow’ programme at Kingston Business School, worked with a business coach at Richmond council and attended the local business networking events. 

Finish this sentence: I like being based in Richmond because…

…it is the most fabulous London location to live and work. 

How can people find you?

  • Address: 107 Sheen Lane, London SW14 8AE
  • Address: Parkshot House, 5 Kew Road, Richmond TW9 2PR
  • Website: Pilates Sheen & Richmond

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