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Every year, we are required by law to contact your household to find out if there have been any changes to who is eligible to be registered to vote at your address. We will be contacting your household again from August 2024.

How we will contact you

Your household will receive either:

  • An email. If you have previously provided an email address to Electoral Services, you may receive an email communication in relation to the above.
  • A confirmation letter addressed to 'The Resident/Occupier' by post. You will be asked to check the names of people living at your address. You only need to respond if you need to make a change or update the information printed on the letter.
  • A canvass form addressed to the 'The Resident/Occupier' by post. This form will ask you to confirm who is currently eligible to vote in your household. By law, you must respond to this form and provide the information requested.

Please note that there is a criminal penalty for failing to provide the information required when requested to do so by the Electoral Registration Officer of a maximum of £1,000. The penalty for providing false information to an Electoral Registration Officer is imprisonment of up to 51 weeks or, (on summary conviction) an unlimited fine.

How to respond

To confirm or update the details for your household:

  • Renew your registration online. On the login page, please enter both parts of the security code that is on the letter, canvass form or email you have received.

If you have no changes to make, you can also respond via the following methods:

  • Text NOCHANGE followed by part 1 and part 2 of your security code to 80212 (standard charges apply) or
  • Call 0800 884 0701

New residents at your address need to apply to register

Each new resident at your address whose details were provided to us in response to the letter, canvass form or email your household received must complete an application to be registered to vote at your address. Each new resident can apply now at

Any new resident at your address who does not register as soon as possible will receive a letter or email from us to formally invite them to register to vote at your address.

Please note that it is a legal requirement to register to vote when invited by the Electoral Registration Officer to do so. A person failing to register without providing an adequate reason may be fined £80.

If you have any questions regarding the communications you receive from us or registering to vote, email

Further information

Read frequently asked questions about annual voter registration.

Updated: 08 August 2024

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