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Request a review of your case, if you believe your complaints regarding antisocial behaviour have not been properly addressed.

Before you start

Who can use the Trigger?

A victim or someone acting on their behalf should use the Community Trigger if they have reported antisocial behaviour to the Council, Police and/or a registered housing provider (social landlord) three times about separate incidents in the last six months or multiple complaints (5 or more) of the same incident.

The Trigger cannot be used to report general acts of crime or hate crime and does not replace the formal complaints procedures of individual organisations.

Help using the form

If you need help in completing the Community Trigger, please contact the Community Safety Team.

What if my request does not meet the criteria?

If you believe your report meets the criteria mentioned above it will be reviewed by the Community Safety Manager and a decision will be sent back to you acknowledging the need for a formal trigger or explaining why your report does not meet the criteria.

The Community Trigger can only be used to request a review where you believe your report has not been properly addressed and it meets the criteria outlined above. To report antisocial behaviour please see our guidance on how to report antisocial behaviour.

You may also wish to involve your local Councillor or the Tenants’ Champion.

In an emergency or if you feel in immediate danger always dial 999

You will need

When completing the form, you will be asked to give details of:

  • Each time you have complained
  • Who was involved (name, organisation and/or Incident Reference Number)
  • The incident(s) of antisocial behaviour

What happens next

View this flowchart which shows the process (pdf, 105KB) once you have submitted your community trigger application.

The report will go to the Community Safety Service team who will decide what steps to take next.

Any person who applies for an ASB Case Review who is dissatisfied by the way in which the relevant bodies have dealt with the application, or carried out the review, may make representations, in writing, to the Head of Community Safety  (the HCS) within 21 days from the date of the decision that the threshold is not met or, as the case may be, the decision of the Panel.  The applicant must specify the grounds upon which s/he is dissatisfied.

The HCS, after considering the representations may, in his/her sole discretion decide what action to take:

  1. Where the threshold was not met, they may arrange for a review of the decision by a manager, who has not previously been involved with the request.
  2. Where the concerns relate to the conduct of the ASB Case Review they may refer the matter to the Chair of the Community Safety Partnership for consideration.

Use the Community Trigger

Updated: 08 March 2021

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