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Car Club parking permit - legal guidance


Although we may not ask for proofs on application or renewal, we may request proofs at any time. If you cannot prove continued eligibility then we will invalidate your Car Club parking permit/s.

Where permit holders can park

Read our guide to find out where to park with a Car Club parking permit.

About your vehicle

Your vehicle must be a passenger vehicle or a goods carrying vehicle with dimensions which do not exceed:

  • 2.28 metres in height
  • 5.25 metres in length

If you have any doubt, or have questions relating to other types of vehicles, contact us.

Parking bay suspensions

We regularly suspend bays from normal use for various reasons; for example, house moves. Signs notifying of a bay suspension are posted as near to the bay as possible 3 full days before. Visit parking suspensions for more information.

Be aware, any unauthorised vehicles found parked in a suspended bay may be liable for a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN). If the vehicle is to remain in the same bay for a number of days, you should check daily for any suspension notices.


Refunds are available for permits, which have at least one full month remaining before the expiry date. Find out more about Car Club parking permit refunds.


The following are offences and we may take further action if you are found to be committing one.

False statements

It is an offence to make a false statement in order to apply for a Car Club parking permit and we may prosecute under either the Theft Acts or other relevant criminal legislation.

The maximum penalty on conviction or indictment is five years imprisonment and/or a fine on summary conviction, six months imprisonment or a fine of up to £5,000.

Mishandling and forging documents

It is an offence to:

  • Use or lend to another person any permit or other authorisation with intent to deceive, and
  • Make or have in one's possession anything so closely resembling a permit or other authorisation as to be calculated to deceive.

The maximum penalty on conviction is two years' imprisonment or a fine of up to £5,000.

Parking in a permit bay without a valid permit

It is an offence to park in a Car Club or resident parking bay without having a valid permit even if an application for a permit has been sent to us.

Vehicle must be licensed

It is an offence under the Vehicle Registration and Excise Act 1994 (Section 29) to use or keep a mechanically propelled vehicle on a public road if the vehicle is unlicensed.


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Updated: 29 May 2024

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