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The Local Plan sets out our planning policy. It is used to shape developments and guide decisions on where, how much, and what kind of development is needed in Richmond.

We are currently preparing a new Local Plan for Richmond borough which will replace the current Local Plan and the Twickenham Area Action Plan.


The timetable below sets out the key stages of updating a Local Plan, as set out in the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012. In planning, these stages are often informally referred to by the regulation number that requires it, which is included in brackets. The timetable describes what happens at each stage.

View the links for more information about each stage, including when we either undertook or plan to undertake this work.

Key dates for the Local Plan update
 Stage What happens  Timeline 

Starting the Local Plan Review: Direction of Travel Engagement

Our first is engagement with residents, stakeholders and businesses to comment on the scope and vision for the new Local Plan.

A 'call for sites' is held inviting stakeholders to submit information on sites that could be suitable for development.

Consultation held from March to April 2020
Informal engagement: Listening to the community Since the Direction of Travel consultation, we have been listening to and reflecting on feedback from residents and stakeholders. This includes the series of community conversations and workshops with schools. Summer/autumn 2021
Consultation on 'Pre-Publication' Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18)

The Planning Policy team use the feedback from the 'Direction of Travel' consultation and 'Call for Sites' to produce a Draft Local Plan.

This is published alongside our evidence base and supporting documents, which is used to inform the our preferred policies.

A public consultation is held on these documents to invite feedback from a range of stakeholders - from residents, development professionals, and neighbouring boroughs.
December 2021 to January 2022
Consultation on the 'Publication' Draft Local Plan (Regulation 19)

Using the feedback submitted during the 'Pre Publication' version consultation, a revised Draft Local Plan is created.

A third public consultation is held to seek further feedback from residents, businesses and other stakeholders. 

9 June to 24 July 2023
Submission The ‘Publication’ Richmond Local Plan, along with the evidence and feedback received at public consultation events, was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate in January 2024. 19 January 2024
Current stage: Examination

Independent Planning Inspectors-acting on behalf of the Secretary of State have been appointed to examine the Local Plan, supporting evidence and comments made during consultations. The Inspectors will hold hearing sessions to discuss the ‘soundness’ of the Local Plan.

Following the hearings, modifications to the Local Plan will be proposed through the examination report to find the plan ‘sound’. The main modifications will be added to the Local Plan.

January to Autumn 2024

Examination hearings held in June and July 2024

Main Modifications consultation held from 31 January to 17 March 2025

Adoption of the new Local Plan The new Local Plan is formally adopted by the Council, replacing the existing Local Plan. It is used to inform decisions on planning applications. Spring/summer 2025

How the Local Plan is produced

The Planning Policy team produces the Local Plan. We work with other Council departments to help inform our planning decisions and explore things like the impact of new developments. We also publish a robust evidence base of studies and data that inform our decisions. At several stages we will be inviting our communities, businesses and local stakeholders to give us feedback that will shape the plan.

How the Local Plan may impact you

The Local Plan is used to help decide the outcome of planning applications for land development (changes of use and new buildings) in Richmond. It will ensure that plans for growth and development benefit local people and provide the services that places need, whilst preserving our unique and diverse heritage. The Plan will also align with our commitment as an organisation to become carbon neutral by 2030 and are on our way to be a net-zero carbon borough by 2050.

What the Local Plan can control

The Local Plan is an ambitious and important document that ensures we are thinking long term. It does not directly provide jobs or operate shops and services, but aims to create the conditions for places to thrive.

Although factors like land value and high demands for certain uses such as housing are outside Council control, we produce policy to influence future development and that aims to balance the needs of all members of society and users of places.

How your feedback may be used

Information gathered from the responses will be used to shape the next version of the plan to balance the social, environmental and economic ambitions for the borough. There was a further round of public consultation on our final version of the Local Plan (so-called 'Publication' or 'Regulation 19' version) in 2023. This was the version that we submitted – together with the representations received – to the Secretary of State for independent examination in public, which has been underway in 2024/25. The Local Plan is anticipated to be adopted in 2025.


If you would like to be kept informed of future progress on the Local Plan, you can opt-in to our Local Plan database by sending your contact details.


Updated: 31 January 2025

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