Infrastructure Delivery Plan
The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) analyses and assesses the existing infrastructure provision, the current shortfall and identifies the existing and future needs and demands for the borough to support new development and a growing population.
Infrastructure Delivery Plan
In 2023, we updated the Infrastructure Delivery Plan to inform the new Local Plan. This update has been undertaken in consultation with partners and service providers and provides a snapshot in time of the infrastructure need and the identified future delivery within the borough. Further outreach with stakeholders may take place to ensure the IDP is up to date and reflects the plans of providers, which may result in a future update or addendum to set out further relevant information.
Infrastructure Delivery Plan Addendum
Following the Regulation 19 Draft Local Plan public consultation and the subsequent analysis of comments made, we have produced an Infrastructure Delivery Plan Addendum which provides updates to the Infrastructure Delivery Plan as well as providing a list of infrastructure projects and costs, where these are known. The Infrastructure Delivery Plan and addendum will continue to inform the new Local Plan and be kept under review.
Infrastructure Delivery Plan prepared in 2017
In 2017, we updated the Infrastructure Delivery Plan, which contained the Infrastructure Delivery Schedule, in consultation with partners and service providers. The IDP was updated to support the review of the Local Plan.
Infrastructure Delivery Plan and Schedule prepared in 2012
- Infrastructure Delivery Plan - Summary report
(pdf, 206KB) (April 2012)
- Infrastructure Delivery Plan - Detailed assessment
(pdf, 3614KB) (April 2012)
The information contained within the IDP was used to prepare the Infrastructure Delivery Schedule, which includes costs, phasing, delivery partners, funding sources etc for certain infrastructure types and projects, including their location, where a demand or need for future provision has been identified.
The Council produced an Overarching Statement(pdf, 1812KB) to demonstrate the approach to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (September 2013) for the Examination of the Borough CIL. This shows the anticipated growth and development that will require significant investment in supporting infrastructure that is already at capacity.
Up to: Local Plan evidence
Updated: 23 January 2024
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