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Adopted Local Plan (Review 2015-18)

We adopted our Local Plan for the borough in July 2018, which replaced our previous policies within the Core Strategy and Development Management Plan. The Plan sets out policies and guidance for the development of the borough until July 2033 or until it is superseded.

Two legal challenges were made regarding the adoption of the Local Plan. On 3 March 2020, the Council adopted the two matters related to the legal challenges within the Local Plan.

Our policies are supported by different designations. We have produced an interactive map which displays the designations.

A further interactive map has been developed to accompany the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2020, which will be updated periodically.

The Environment Agency has produced new Zone 2 and Zone 3 Flood Risk mapping (tidal and fluvial risk) which is live as of 25 March 2025. We are working on updating our mapping. For further information, go to Flood map for planning - GOV.UK.

We have also published a PDF version of the Policies Map (pdf, 9.6 MB). However, please note that due to its large file size only a low resolution version is available online.

We are now starting to prepare a new Local Plan for Richmond borough.


The table below sets out the progress for each stage of the timetable involved in the preparation of the Local Plan adopted in July 2018 and 3 March 2020.

Activity Date
Consultation on scope of review of policies and draft site allocations 4 January to 1 February 2016
First consultation on the draft Local Plan (Pre-publication) 8 July to 19 August 2016
Second consultation on the draft Local Plan (Publication) that the Council intends to submit to Secretary of State 4 January to 15 February 2017
Submission of the draft Local Plan to the Secretary of State 19 May 2017
Independent Examination in Public Autumn/Winter 2017/2018
Adoption of the Local Plan 3 July 2018 and 3 March 2020

Further information

If you would like more information, please contact the Local Plan Team.


Updated: 25 March 2025

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