Draft Supplementary Planning and Consultation Documents
We are working on updating existing and new SPDs, which provide further details on the implementation of policies and/or site allocations for key development sites as contained within the adopted Local Plan. There are no current consultations on drafts. Past consultations are below, and further details will be added below as these and other SPDs progress.
Past consultations
We previously consulted on the following draft SPDs:
- Draft Local Views Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) – until 5 September 2022
- Draft Affordable Housing SPD – until 1 August 2022
Draft Local Views Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) – closed 5 September 2022
This is a new SPD setting out those existing protected views that have already been adopted through the Local Plan, as well as additional ‘new’ locally important views.
This has arisen from the Urban Design Study, a comprehensive boroughwide townscape character assessment. The Council’s consultants undertook a detailed exercise, based on site visits as well as through desktop research, such as reviewing Conservation Area Appraisals, Registered Park & Gardens etc. to recommend whether existing views are intact and/or should be amended, and whether there are any new views that merit designation. The Council is taking this forward in the draft SPD.
The draft SPD identifies each view with a photo and map locating the view, and includes a detailed description of the view. The SPD is intended to be used by applicants when preparing planning applications to ensure the relevant view is protected where there are future development proposals that may affect it.
We asked for your views on the draft Local Views SPD (pdf, 18.8 MB). As this is a large file, you can also access a local views index where each view is listed as a way to identify specific views. There is also a boroughwide map
(pdf, 12.2 MB) of the all the views.
Respondents were able to complete a draft response form online and email us a completed version of the PDF response form (pdf, 196 KB) or Word response form
(MS Word, 145 KB) to comment on specific areas we were seeking views on.
Draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) - closed 1 August 2022
The draft Affordable Housing SPD provides further detailed guidance to support the adopted Local Plan policies with regard to affordable housing and how we will assess viability within the planning process. This update to the existing SPD (2014), is to reflect new or updated requirements in the Local Plan and also guidance published by National Government, the Greater London Authority (GLA) and the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).
Alongside the SPD are some explanatory notes to answer common questions about the context of the SPD and highlight some of the other work that is happening to prioritise the delivery of affordable housing.
The draft SPD consists of:
- Draft Affordable Housing SPD
(pdf, 534 KB) (June 2022)
- Annex A – Affordable Housing Commuted Sum Calculation: see Annex A Guidance Notes
(pdf, 39 KB) and Annex A proforma
(MS Excel, 36 KB) (note this is the same as in the existing SPD)
- Annex B – Viability Appraisal Data Sources
(pdf, 234 KB) (June 2022)
- Annex C – Step by Step Guide to Affordable Housing Commuted Sum Calculator
(pdf, 52 KB) (note this is the same as in the existing SPD)
Note that the existing SPD Annex C (marketing pro-forma) and Annex D (on case studies) will not form part of the new updated SPD.
How respondents took part
Respondents were able to submit comments by email or post.
Reference copies could be viewed at the Civic Centre and in all of the borough’s libraries.
Consultation responses
View details of all the comments received on the draft Affordable Housing SPD and the draft Local Views SPD:
What happens next?
Following this consultation, and having considered your views, the final SPDs will be adopted by the Council. Once adopted, SPDs become a material consideration when assessing any such future planning application that comes forward.
The expected timescales are now that these SPDs will be taken forward for adoption once the new Local Plan progresses.
Email: localplan@richmond.gov.uk
Updated: 20 June 2023
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