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Welcome to the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is a process by which local authorities and health services assess the health, care and wellbeing needs of the community within Local Authority geographic areas.

It will identify and provide understanding of current and future health and wellbeing needs of the population and help reduce health inequalities and improve the health and wellbeing of the whole community. The JSNA is used to inform local decision making.

The JSNA forms the basis to determine the priorities for the next Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, which the Health and Wellbeing Board has a statutory responsibility to produce.

Community Voice

The Community Voice chapter sits alongside and complements the themes of Start Well, Live Well and Age Well, presented in the rest of this JSNA. It includes the views of the community on their health and social care needs. The inclusion of the Community Voice into the Richmond JSNA process has enabled a more thorough consideration of the health and social care needs of Richmond residents.

Efforts were made to engage with voluntary and community organisations, however the unusual circumstances of the pandemic led to limited engagement. This meant a pragmatic approach was taken using available data from Health Watch Richmond and others. HealthWatch Richmond provided a summary of the evidence of health and social care need in the borough as identified during their consultation work across the borough over the last five years from 2015-2020. This represented 2,200 experiences collected through approximately 250 visits to community groups across the geographic and demographic range of Richmond Borough.

Data was augmented using desk-based research and included input from colleagues at the South West London Health and Care Partnership, Richmond Council for Voluntary Services (RCVS) and Richmond Council’s Adult Social Care Prevention and Wellbeing Team. 

JSNA structure

The JSNA is provided as: 

  • A deep dive, that covers the drivers, risk factors, current actions, services, future plans-or detailed commentary of the JSNA section 
  • A high-level overview covering the overall current picture and strategic issues 
  • Infographics presenting key trends and issues. 

The JSNA 2021 is structured across:

Assessment of need

The assessment of need is fundamental and in JSNA 2021, need is assumed to exist when there is an effective and acceptable intervention, or the potential for health gain. Bradshaw (A Taxonomy of Social Need) defines four ways in which need is perceived: 

  • Normative need, based on professional judgement (such as the need for medical treatment)
  • Felt need, which comprises individual's perceptions of variations from normal health
  • Expressed need, which can be the vocalisation of need or how people use services
  • Comparative need based on judgements by professionals as to the relative needs of different groups.

This JSNA will be informed by findings from various relevant Health Needs Assessments (HNA).

HNA have been used to assess local need:

  • Epidemiological: this approach considers the epidemiology of the condition, current service provision, and the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of interventions and services
  • Comparative: this approach compares service provision between different populations. Large variations in service use may be influenced by several factors, and not just differing needs
  • Corporate: this approach is based on eliciting the views of stakeholders.


There are numerous sources of population estimates available, however the JSNA includes the GLA Housing Led Projection data (denominator file), with rates presented as either per 10,000 or per 100,000 population. Data is presented for the last five years, from 2014-2019, with whichever years are available. Population projections from the Greater London Authority (GLA), for wards and the borough, are available up to 2050.  

What we already have on DataRich:

  • An interactive tool that provides information on population and equalities data
  • DataRich includes data on community safety, economy and employment, environment, housing etc. There are videos and how to guides available to help new users
  • Under links and resources, you will find other health, social care and local government data sources
  • DataRich houses the previous JSNA for the borough.

Updated: 20 May 2024

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