Have your say on Hammersmith Bridge
While the responsibility for the design and delivery of the bridge refurbishment lies with Hammersmith and Fulham Council and TfL, we are asking them to consider the needs, concerns and suggestions of Richmond upon Thames residents and businesses.
TfL Ferry
View the planning application for the ferry’s pier.
Public meetings
March 2021
We hosted a virtual public meeting specifically for Richmond upon Thames residents to put their questions to the Council Leader.
Councillor Gareth Roberts was joined by a panel of senior officers from the Council to answer residents' questions about the status of the bridge repairs and the measures Richmond Council are putting in place to lessen the impact of the closure for residents and businesses in Barnes and the rest of the borough.
Watch the meeting (Wednesday 17 March 2021).
October 2020
We hosted a virtual public meeting for residents and the wider public on Wednesday 28 October 2020. The Leader of Richmond Council, Councillor Gareth Roberts, was joined by Baroness Vere (Chair of the Hammersmith Bridge Taskforce), Project Director Dana Skelley plus representatives from the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, the Greater London Authority, Transport for London, and the Port of London Authority.
View the Engineering and Programme Overview presentation (pdf, 771 KB)
June 2019
On Wednesday 19 June 2019 over 500 people attended a public Q & A event at St Michael and All Angels Church in Barnes. The panel included the Leader of Richmond Council, Gareth Roberts, Leader of Hammersmith and Fulham Council, Stephen Cowan, Chair of Richmond Council’s Transport and Air Quality Committee, Alexander Ehmann, senior officers from our Environment, Traffic and Engineering services and representatives from Transport for London (TfL).
See the presentation (pdf, 1.6 MB).
See the video of the 6.30pm session.
See the video of the 8.15pm session.
Council survey
In June and July 2019, we conducted a survey to establish how the closure of the bridge to vehicular traffic is impacting the local community.
Over the six-week informal consultation, 2,707 local residents and businesses submitted their views on areas such as traffic congestion, air quality, parking, accessibility and public transport. They were also asked on their views on the bridge's future. The feedback has now been evaluated and a report has been passed onto Hammersmith and Fulham Council and TfL to be considered. View the full report (pdf, 1.1 MB).
TfL temporary bridge survey
Between 4 March and 5 April 2020, TfL undertook local engagement to gain a better understanding of people’s views about its plans for a temporary bridge.
They asked whether respondents supported the proposals for a temporary walking and cycling bridge, and to what extent they felt it important to maintain walking and cycling access across the river while the main bridge is being repaired.
- 88% of respondents to the questionnaire supported or strongly supported the scheme, although some respondents objected in principle to the proposals
- 95% of respondents to the questionnaire agreed or strongly agreed that it is important to maintain walking and cycling at Hammersmith
Up to: Hammersmith Bridge
Updated: 23 July 2021
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