Council performance
To help us deliver high quality, good value services to the local community, we use a range of information to identify where we are performing well and where we need to make more progress.
Our approach
Our Corporate Plan sets out our strategic priorities, how we plan to achieve these and how we measure progress in delivering them.
We use an overarching performance management framework to monitor our progress in detail.
We also regularly compare our own performance with other local authorities, so that we have a full understanding of how effectively we are delivering our services for our residents.
Your feedback is vital for helping us to measure our performance and shape our priorities. Have your say on our current consultations, and read about our latest Residents' Survey.
Our current performance
We publish quarterly reports that monitor how we are performing on our Corporate priorities:
Richmond Performance Tool
You can compare our performance to that of other local authorities using our Performance Tool.
External assessment and information
As with all authorities, some of our services are regularly inspected by external organisations. There is also information available about non-Council controlled services in the local area, which may be of interest to residents.
- Ofsted inspect and regulate services which care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages.
- The Care Quality Commission inspects hospitals, care homes, dental and GP surgeries, and all other care services in England.
- The Audit Commission publishes annual audit letters on each local authority and provides performance and financial information through their Value for Money profiles. You can also read historical inspections of the Council.
- The Electoral Commission assesses our electoral administration performance.
- SGS have assessed the Sport and Fitness Service
(pdf, 152KB) for customer service excellence.
Make an enquiry
If you have any queries about our performance, please contact us.
Corporate Performance team
Civic Centre
44 York Street
Up to: How we work
Updated: 13 August 2024
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