Housing and energy saving home improvements
Housing support available in the borough.
Rent and Council Tax
If you're on a low income you may be able to get help with paying your rent and Council Tax.
Discretionary Housing Payments
Discretionary Housing Payments (DHPs) are for people receiving Housing Benefit or Universal Credit, including a housing element, who require further financial assistance with housing costs because their benefit does not cover their full rent.
Find out more about Discretionary Housing Payments.
Debt and money advice
Find out about the debt and money advice we offer to residents struggling with their rent, Council Tax, mortgage or housing grant.
Housing grants and funding
There are a number of grants available for those on benefits and older people looking to increase the energy efficiency of their home. There is also funding for people with disabilities who need help with essential works to support independent living.
Find out more about housing grants and funding.
Warm Home Discount Scheme
You could get £140 off your electricity bill for winter. The money is not paid to you - it's a one-off discount on your electricity bill, between October and March.
You may be able to get the discount on your gas bill instead if your supplier provides you with both gas and electricity. Contact your supplier to find out.
The discount will not affect your Cold Weather Payment (GOV.UK) or Winter Fuel Payment (GOV.UK).
The 2021/22 scheme is now closed. The 2022/23 scheme is expected to open soon.
Find out more about the Warm Home Discount Scheme (GOV.UK).
Winter warmth home service
Crisis support is available by phone including fuel vouchers for those with a prepay meter, emergency heating repairs for homeowners, referrals for insulation and heating grants (via Sustainable Warmth and Warmer Homes 3, and subject to available funding) and support applying to the Household Support Fund (where available).
Standard support is also available by home visit, including:
- Carbon monoxide detectors
- LED bulbs and radiator panels
- Specialist advice on lowering your heating bills whilst keeping warm
- Advice on energy and water bill tariff discounts including the 50 per cent Water Help discount and the Warm Home Discount (where available)
- Assessments for grants for insulation and heating works
- Referrals for benefit checks
- Advice on health and wellbeing services in the borough
- Referrals for a free smoke alarm
Find out more about the winter warmth home service.
Support for Mortgage Interest
If you are a homeowner, you might be able to get help towards interest payments on your mortgage or loans you've taken out for certain repairs and improvements to your home. It's paid as a loan, which you’ll need to repay with interest when you sell or transfer ownership of your home.
Find out more about Support for Mortgage Interest (GOV.UK).
Money Helper - Mortgage support
If you’re struggling to meet your mortgage repayments, the government could be able to help. You could be able to sign up for the Mortgage Rescue Scheme or other government benefits that might boost your income.
Find our more about Money Helper.
If you are a social housing tenant in a property with more bedrooms than you need, or you are struggling to heat and maintain your home, it could be beneficial to downsize. With the Downsizing Right Fit scheme, you can get a payment for each bedroom you give up by moving to a smaller property, and have your removal costs paid for.
Find out more about downsizing.
Social housing energy efficiency
Some registered social landlords (such as housing associations) have funding available to help improve the energy efficiency of social housing. If you are unsure, please contact your housing provider.
South West London Energy Advice Partnership
SWLEAP provides energy advice across Richmond, Wandsworth and Merton to anyone in fuel poverty. This could be an energy visit to your home but we also provide advice at energy cafes in community settings, over the telephone or by email if you prefer.
- Website: South West London Energy Advice Partnership
- Telephone: 08000862706
- Email: susan@habitatsandheritage.org.uk
South West London Law Centres
South West London Law Centres (SWLLC) provides free and independent legal advice on social welfare issues, including housing, debt and benefits. This includes help with tribunal appeals.
- Website: South West London Law Centres
- Telephone: 0208 767 2777
Thinking Works
Thinking Works manages the Winter Warmth service for Richmond borough, providing home visits and telephone advice.
- Website: Thinking Works
- Telephone: 0800 118 23 27
- Text: 07928 394 482
- Email: enquiries@thinkingworks.co.uk
Warmer Homes
The Mayor of London's Warmer Homes programme provides free heating, insulation and ventilation improvements for low-income Londoners who own their own homes or rent privately. Grants of between £5,000 and £25,000 are available to eligible low income homeowners and private tenants.
Green Homes Grant
The Green Homes Grant was a scheme run for homeowners and landlords in England to support the installation of energy efficient and low-carbon heating improvements to their homes.
The scheme was run via funding from central government to help households save on their energy bills and make homes warmer and more comfortable for those living in them.
The scheme is now closed. If you are looking for support with energy efficiency, find out more about how to reduce your energy usage and bills.
Private renting
It is important your rental property is safe to live in and is in a condition that doesn’t add to your living costs. We can help if you have a complaint you are struggling to resolve with your landlord.
Find out more about private renting.
Sleeping rough or street homeless
There are several agencies who can help if you have no option other than being on the street or sleeping rough. Find out about the homelessness agencies that can assist with emergency housing, advice, meals, wash facilities and laundry services.
Low cost home ownership
There are a limited number of schemes available for people who cannot afford to buy a property on the open market. You buy a share of a property and pay rent on the remainder, gradually buying further shares so that eventually you could own the property outright.
Find out more about low cost home ownership.
Up to: What you are entitled to
Updated: 24 February 2025
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