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Borough of Sanctuary

Our vision is for Richmond to be a place where all sanctuary seekers feel welcome, safe and have access to opportunities and support to thrive.

We were proud to become a Borough of Sanctuary on 14 June 2024. This accreditation is awarded to boroughs that go above and beyond to support sanctuary-seeking residents.

Find out more about our accreditation as a Borough of Sanctuary and about the City of Sanctuary movement.

Refugee resettlement and support

Richmond has a proud history of welcoming refugees and sanctuary seekers into its community, from the arrival of the Huguenots in the 17th century and Belgians during World War I, to more recent populations of displaced people from Afghanistan, Syria, Hong Kong and Ukraine. 

Find out about our refugee resettlement and support services, and other refugee support networks in the borough.

Discover how to get help in a crisis.

Borough of Sanctuary Grant scheme

Our Borough of Sanctuary Grant Scheme provides grants of up to £10,000 to groups and projects that work with refugees and asylum seekers, to enable them to undertake activities for six to twelve months.

Larger grants and longer projects may be considered in exceptional circumstances where a clear need and sustainable proposal can be demonstrated.

Support for those with no recourse to public funds

We may be able to support people who are excluded from claiming public funds due to their immigration status. Find out who is eligible for NRPF support, and how to apply.

Richmond Sanctuary Partnership

The Richmond Sanctuary Partnership is fundamental in ensuring that the voice of the community, including people with lived experience, is heard. It meets quarterly and is attended by Richmond Councillors and representatives from Richmond’s voluntary and community sector organisations, with a secretariat comprised of Richmond Council’s Refugee Services team. It is an opportunity for collaborative work as well as the sharing of knowledge and ideas.

The Richmond Sanctuary Partnership also oversees the implementation of our Borough of Sanctuary Strategy. This captures key actions and commitments that will ensure Richmond is a more inclusive borough to all sanctuary seekers.

Get involved

The work of the Richmond Sanctuary Partnership is guided by the Richmond Sanctuary Board. We are currently looking for Richmond residents with lived experience of forced migration to join the Board to share their opinions, and provide insight and feedback. Find out more about how to apply to join the Richmond Sanctuary Board.


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Updated: 24 January 2025

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