Local Development Scheme
The Local Development Scheme (pdf, 349 KB) (LDS) has two key purposes:
- It provides a starting point for the local community to find out what the Council's planning policies are for the borough and sets out the current documents which form the Local Development Plan.
- It sets out the detailed work programme for the preparation of the Local Plan documents over a three year period, including timetables, which tell people when the various stages in the plan preparation will be carried out.
The latest timescales for the production and progress on the documents is as follows:
Local Plan/LDF Document | Timescales |
Local Plan | Adopted July 2018 and 3 March 2020 in relation to two legal challenges. |
Twickenham Area Action Plan | Adopted July 2013. |
Joint West London Waste Plan DPD | Adopted July 2015. A review of the plan has now commenced. |
New Local Plan |
Future Local Plan | Subject to confirmation of timescales for the implementation of the new plan-making system, work on a future Local Plan is anticipated to commence in 2026. |
Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule (this is not a DPD) |
The progress against the Local Development Scheme programme is summarised in the Authority’s Monitoring Reports.
Up to: Planning policy
Updated: 07 March 2025
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