Local Plan monitoring
The Authority Monitoring Reports (AMRs) report on the performance of the Council's planning policies as set out in the Local Plan.
The requirement for a local authority to produce Authority Monitoring Reports is set out in Section 113 of the Localism Act 2011.
The Act requires every authority to produce and make publicly available a series of reports containing information on the implementation of the Local Development Scheme and the extent to which the planning policies set out in the Local Plan documents are being achieved.
Section 113 of the Localism Act 2011 amended Section 35 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, which required local authorities to produce an overall Annual Monitoring Report to submit to the Secretary of State at the end of the calendar year.
This requirement was removed in April 2012 and local authorities now have greater flexibility as to when to produce and publish the reports.
Part 8, Regulation 34 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2012 sets out the information that AMRs must contain, including how to report on a policy that specifies an annual number and how to report on a policy specified in the Local Plan that is not being implemented. It also states that local authorities must make any up-to-date information, which they have collected for monitoring purposes, available as soon as possible after the information becomes available.
In accordance with the legislation, we produce a series of topic-based AMRs which can be downloaded below. The timescale covered in each report is determined by the nature of the topic in terms of its strategic importance and sensitivity to changing circumstance.
Local Plan monitoring 2024
- Housing AMR 2023/24
- Housing Trajectory and Summary Tables 2023/24
- Vacancy rates in the borough's centres 2024
Local Plan monitoring 2023
- Housing Trajectory and Summary Tables 2022/23
- Housing AMR 2022/23
- Employment Floorspace Monitoring 2022/2023
- Social Infrastructure Indicators 2016-2023
- Vacancy rates in the borough's centres 2023
- Waste sites monitoring report 2022
- Duty to Cooperate Monitoring 2017-2023
Local Plan monitoring 2022
- Housing AMR 2021/22
(pdf, 957 KB)
- Housing Trajectory and Summary Tables 2021/22
(MS Excel, 666 KB)
- Employment Floorspace Monitoring 2020-22
(pdf, 1.0 MB)
- Vacancy rates in the borough's centres 2022
- Sustainable Construction Monitoring 2017-2022
- Open Land Indicators 2016-2022
- Environment Agency Consultations 2016-2022
Local Plan monitoring 2021
- Housing AMR 2020/21
(pdf, 5.9 MB)
- Housing Trajectory and Summary Tables 2020/21
(MS Excel, 457 KB)
- Vacancy rates in the borough's centres 2021
(pdf, 3.5 MB)
Local Plan monitoring 2020
- Housing AMR 2019/20
(pdf, 2.2 MB)
- Housing Trajectory and Summary Tables 2019/20
(MS Excel, 827 KB)
- Housing Supply Interim Position Statement - September 2020
(pdf, 141 KB)
- Interim Housing Supply Summary Tables 2019/20
(MS Excel, 489 KB)
- Employment Floorspace Monitoring 2017-19
(pdf, 589 KB)
- Vacancy rates in the borough's centres 2020
(pdf, 2.2 MB)
Local Plan monitoring 2019
- Housing Trajectory and Summary Tables 2018/19
(MS Excel, 631 KB)
- Housing AMR 2018/19
(pdf, 976 KB)
- Vacancy rates in the borough's centres 2019
(pdf, 4.1 MB)
Local Plan monitoring 2018
- Housing Trajectory and Summary Tables 2017/18
(MS Excel, 851 KB)
- Vacancy rates in the borough's centres 2017
(pdf, 3.1 MB)
Local Plan monitoring 2017
Monitoring reports on a series of topics will be added to the website when available:
- Vacancy rates in the borough's centres 2016
(pdf, 2583 KB)
- Housing AMR 2016/17
(pdf, 2.5 MB)
- Duty to Cooperate Monitoring 2015-2017
(pdf, 621 KB)
- Employment Floorspace Monitoring 2013-2017
(pdf, 1.1 MB)
- Environment Agency Consultations 2013-2016
(pdf, 929 KB)
- Monitoring of Planning Obligations and Community Infrastructure Levy 2015-2017
(pdf, 526 KB)
- Open Land Indicators 2013-2016
(pdf, 519 KB)
- Parking Standards Indicators 2012-2016
(pdf, 1.0 MB)
- Social Infrastructure Indicators 2010-2016
(pdf, 749 KB)
- Sustainable Construction Monitoring 2011-2016
(pdf, 1.2 MB)
- Waste Sites Monitoring Report 2016-17
(pdf, 2.0 MB)
The AMR 2015/16
The AMR 2014/15
The 2014/15 AMR is made up of a series of documents:
- Monitoring of Planning Obligations and Community Infrastructure Levy
(pdf, 447KB)
- Housing
(pdf, 1421KB)
- Vacancy rates in the borough's centres 2015
(pdf, 3102KB)
The AMR 2013/14
The 2013/14 AMR was the first produced as a series of documents which are set out below:
- Vacancy rates in the borough’s centres 2014
(pdf, 1732KB)
- Employment
(pdf, 884KB)
- Monitoring of Plan
(pdf, 799KB) (including progress on Local Plan and monitoring of Duty to Cooperate)
- Housing
(pdf, 1366KB) (including five year Housing Land Supply)
Previous AMRs
- 2013 Report
(pdf, 2889KB) and Appendices
(pdf, 712KB) (for financial year 2012/2013), produced as part of the Local Development, published December 2013
- 2012 Report
(pdf, 2818KB) and Appendices
(pdf, 620KB) (for financial year 2011/2012)
- 2011 Report
(pdf, 1557KB) (for financial year 2010/2011)
- 2010 Report
(pdf, 2032KB) and Appendices
(pdf, 526KB) (for financial year 2009/2010)
- 2009 Report
(pdf, 1183KB) (for financial year 2008/2009)
- 2008 Report
(pdf, 2063KB) (for financial year 2007/2008)
- 2007 Report
(pdf, 1626KB) (for financial year 2006/2007)
- 2006 Report
(pdf, 2803KB) (for financial year 2005/2006)
- 2005 Report
(pdf, 1904KB) (for the financial year 2004/2005)
- 2004 Report
(pdf, 378KB), (for financial year 2003/2004)
If you would like to find out further information, please contact the Local Plan Team.
Email: LocalPlan@richmond.gov.uk
Up to: Local Plan
Updated: 19 February 2025
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