Burtons Road traffic reduction scheme
A traffic reduction scheme is in operation on Burtons Road. This scheme was made permanent under a Section 6 Traffic Management Order made on 18 October 2023 which came into force on 23 October 2023.
To register your vehicle for an exemption, you must complete the online form two working days before entering the restriction point.
Only vehicles registered at an address within the approved exemption area will qualify to apply for an exemption, up to a maximum of four vehicles per address. View the approved exemption area (pdf, 200 KB).
An exemption will be granted to carers and healthcare professionals requiring regular access to provide essential care to a resident living within the exemption area. Evidence must be provided, and each application will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Emergency services, hackney carriages and cyclists will be exempt automatically and do not need to apply for an exemption.
If you are a resident but your vehicle is registered to an address outside the catchment area (e.g. a company or lease hire car) you can still register for the scheme, as long as the rental agreement shows the residential address, vehicle registration number (VRN), and your name.
Apply for an exemption
Only eligible postal addresses will be visible on the form.
It is your responsibility to ensure that all details are correct on the application, including your vehicle registration number, correct evidence documents are uploaded, and the correct contact details have been provided on the form. Failure to do so may result in delays processing the exemption request and/or Penalty Charge Notices being issued.
You can upload scanned images, or photos of your documents taken by your phone or camera. You must submit at least one document. You may add additional documents as needed to cover all the details required.
The document(s) provided must confirm:
- The name of the driver
- The vehicle registration number
- The address selected on the exemption form
The following documents will be accepted:
- Vehicle registration / V5C
- Motor insurance – current year
- Company car letter – dated within the last three months
- Vehicle hire or lease agreement – current year
Carers and healthcare professionals
Carers and healthcare professionals will need to provide additional evidence. A staff ID badge will not be accepted as valid proof.
- Carers should provide a letter that confirms the name and address of the resident receiving care
- Healthcare professionals should provide a letter from your manager or workplace verifying your name, vehicle registration, reason for exemption and employment
After you apply
It is an offence to drive during the restricted times without having a valid exemption permit. It is important that you do not travel through the restriction point while your application is being processed. This will take two working days.
You will receive a confirmation email automatically when you submit your application. If you do not hear from us within two working days, your application was successful. Permits are virtual and you do not need to display anything within your vehicle.
You will only be contacted if we need additional documents or information in relation to your application. In this case your vehicle will not be exempt until this additional information is submitted and approved.
Replace or remove an exemption
Find out what to do if your circumstances change.
Replace an existing vehicle registration
If you have changed your vehicle registration, you must amend your exemption accordingly by making an application as you would for a new vehicle to be added to the exemption list.
When you add the new vehicle registration, you will be asked if this application is to replace a vehicle you have previously registered for exemption. Enter the registration to be removed in the relevant text box and continue to complete the form, submitting at the end.
Remove a vehicle
If you have moved house or sold your car and no longer need access to the Burtons Road traffic reductions scheme, email burtonsroad@richmond.gov.uk including details of the vehicle registration number (VRN) to be removed from the exemption list.
The Burtons Road traffic reduction scheme has been designed so that all properties can be accessed at all times, including for visitors and deliveries, without being required to cross any camera control point. As a result, some destinations will need to be accessed using new routes.
The map below indicates how each ‘zone’ within the scheme area can be accessed at any time without passing a camera control point. Click the map or the link below to view a larger version.
Please refer to the key in the map that explains how the restrictions operate in one direction only.
View large version of traffic reduction zone map (pdf, 1.2 MB)
The following information should be read in conjunction with the access area map, and explains how non-exempted vehicles can access streets within the scheme without passing a camera control point.
Access to Burtons Road from Uxbridge Road (blue arrows) - west of St James' Road
Using Park Road entering via Lindsay Road, Cranmer Road, or St. James's Road. Please note from St. James's Road there is a restriction for eastbound movements along Burtons Road.
Access to Burtons Road from Park Road (blue and pink arrows) - west of the railway bridge
Using Lindsay Road, Cranmer Road, St. James's Road, and Seymour Road. Please note from St. James's Road and Seymour Road there are restrictions for eastbound movements along Burtons Road.
Access via Wellington Road (green arrows)
The area to the east of the railway bridge can be accessed via Burtons Road and Links View Road. When exiting this area vehicles can use Burtons Road (east), Links View Road, and Albert Road.
Please note All vehicles (including those on the exemption list) are prohibited from turning right out of Albert Road between 4 and 7pm, Monday to Friday.
We have created detailed maps for each location highlighting signage, civil works, and camera locations.
View the detailed PDF drawings of each restriction point:
- Burtons Road at its junction with Uxbridge Road for eastbound traffic
(pdf, 620 KB)
- Burtons Road east of St James Road for eastbound traffic
(pdf, 636 KB)
- Burtons Road east of Seymour Road for eastbound traffic
(pdf, 648 KB)
- Burtons Road at the eastern end of railway bridge for westbound traffic
(pdf, 707 KB)
- Albert Road at its junction with Park Road
(pdf, 721 KB)
- Queens Road at its junction with Uxbridge Road
(pdf, 485 KB)
The scheme aims to remove rat-running traffic from Burtons Road and reduce the displacement of traffic onto other unclassified residential roads.
In early 2019 we received a petition from residents concerned about the high number of vehicles using Burtons Road and adjoining roads, particularly during the peak periods. Follow up traffic surveys highlighted significant traffic volumes along Burtons Road. During peak times the volumes of traffic were considered high enough to warrant a traffic reduction intervention.
Burtons Road is a narrow, unclassified traffic calmed residential road that runs parallel to Park Road, which is a Classified A road. Burtons Road is also a popular cycle route, and a busy route for children travelling to the new Turing House School. The presence of parked vehicles significantly reduced the road width effectively making the road a one-way street for much of its length. The road also provides a link between Hampton and Teddington (via the Dean Road footbridge).
The road suffered from high AM peak hour flows in the eastbound direction as it provided a convenient route to avoid the traffic signals at the junction between Park Road and High Street. The PM westbound flow is not as significant, but still showed evidence of traffic cutting through, although the difficult right turn into Uxbridge Road did act as a deterrent for some.
Previous traffic scheme
In September 2020 a scheme to restrict the through traffic was implemented under an Experimental Traffic Management Order (ETMO). A review of the scheme highlighted a number of issues and concerns amongst local residents and as a result it was agreed at the Transport and Air Quality Services Committee (TAQ) in February 2022 to remove the existing scheme and replace it with a more resident friendly set of restrictions that would allow exemptions to those residents most directly impacted by the scheme.
Further information can be found in the Agenda for the Transport and Air Quality Committee from Monday, 14 February 2022.
New traffic reduction scheme
The TAQ Committee approved a new scheme under an ETMO in February 2022. This scheme was developed following consultation with local residents and ward Councillors who expressed concern about the effects of the original scheme.
The new measures were designed to remove all through traffic from the area, with the residents most impacted by the restrictions exempt and able to travel along Burtons Road without restriction, subject to being on the approved residents’ exemption list.
Find out more details about approved exemptions.
There is no legislation which allows for residents’ exemptions through the banned right turn (Monday to Friday, 4 to 7pm) out of Albert Road into Park Road and through the At Any Time No Entry point from Uxbridge Road into Queens Road. These two restrictions will apply to all road users. There are alternative routes which residents can take if wishing to travel in these directions.
The restricted vehicle access applies Monday to Friday, 7am to 7pm for both eastbound and westbound movements (except for those on the proposed exemption list). These times cover the peak intervals and importantly, incorporate both school travel periods. Burtons Road has been identified as a cycle route to and from the new Turing House School site in Whitton and lower traffic volumes will ensure cycle safety during these times.
The ETMO went live on the 25 April 2022 with the consultation period running for its first six months of operation. The scheme was reviewed and reported to the Transport and Air Quality Committee on the 10 January 2023 where it was agreed to make the scheme permanent.
You can read further information about this decision - this includes recommendations for improvement to the scheme.
Benefits of the scheme
The scheme aims to:
- Remove all rat-running traffic from Burtons Road during the controlled periods
- Maintain complete access to all properties in the Burtons Road area for deliveries and visitors, without the need to pass a restriction
- Reduce displacement of traffic onto other unclassified residential roads
- Allow some residents to be exempt from the timed restrictions
- Make roads safer for pedestrians and cyclists
Traffic Management Order
You can read the Burtons Road Traffic Management Order published in October 2023.
Frequently asked questions
For further information about the scheme see our frequently asked questions.
If you would like to raise any comments, concerns or suggestions relating to this scheme please email burtonsroad@richmond.gov.uk. It may not be possible to respond to all emails received however your comments will be recorded and considered at the end of the experimental period.
Up to: Transport schemes
Updated: 07 March 2025
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