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Supplementary planning documents and guidance

A series of Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) and Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) has been produced by the Council to provide greater detail on policies within the UDP and LDF to support decisions on planning applications.

The Council no longer produces SPGs as they have been replaced with SPDs since 2004. However, they remain material considerations in planning decisions.

Some of the contact details at the end of several SPGs and SPDs have changed; please contact for any SPG or SPD queries.

Supplementary Planning Documents

Village Planning Guidance - Supplementary Planning Documents

Supplementary Planning Guidance

Site briefs

Further planning information

Withdrawn Supplementary Planning Documents

The Car Club Strategy SPD (2006) and Front Garden and other Off-Street Parking Standards (2006) were superseded following the adoption of the Transport SPD and were withdrawn (pdf, 109 KB) from 3 June 2020.



Updated: 05 December 2024

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