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Teddington Pools and Fitness Centre timetable

Main pool

The main pool is 25m in length and water temperature is maintained at 28 to 29 degrees.

Timed swim sessions are still in place for accessing the pool. Please view the main pool timetables for session times.

Users can book up to seven days in advance, via the LBRUT Sports App, online bookings website, by telephone on 020 3772 2999, or in person at the centre. Due to high demand we strongly recommend that all users pre book their swim session.

Please check availability in advance if you wish to swim on the day to avoid disappointment.

Main pool sessions

Lane swimming sessions:

  • These sessions take place in the main pool and are for adults only. Sessions are 45 minutes in duration
  • Sessions are for continuous swimming following lane directional signage displayed
  • Three double lanes are provided for lane swimming - slow, medium and fast - and one lane speed must be chosen at the time of booking
  • Please do not arrive early to your session. Admission will strictly be from the booking start time. You are still welcome to arrive 'swim ready'

General swim sessions:

  • These sessions take place in the main pool, are 55 minutes in duration and all are welcome
  • The pool can be used for leisure swimming, family entry and general use
  • Monday to Friday and Saturday morning these sessions are limited to a double lane and capacity
  • Weekend afternoons at 2pm and 3pm, a large section of the main pool is available for these sessions (normally two-thirds of the main pool)
  • Designated lane swimming for adults is advertised and booked separately
  • Check our child admission policy for ratios for under 8's


View timetables for:

Learner pool

The learner pool water temperature is maintained at 31 to 32 degrees.

Timed swim sessions are still in place for accessing the pool. Please view the learner pool timetables below for session times.

Users can book up to 10 days in advance for family swims in the learner pool via the online bookings website, by telephone on 020 3772 2999, or in person at the centre. Due to high demand we strongly recommend that all users pre book their swim session.

Please check availability in advance if you wish to swim on the day to avoid disappointment.

Children under the age of 8 must be accompanied in the water at all times by a responsible adult. View our child admission policy (pdf, 71 KB) for ratios.

Learner pool sessions

Family swim sessions:

  • These sessions take place in the learner pool and are 55 minutes in duration
  • Sessions are aimed at families with children aged 8 years and under
  • Check our child admission policy for the required ratios. If ratios are not met then admission will be refused
  • Accompanying adults must be in the pool
  • Everyone attending these sessions, including under 5's, must still be registered and booked into the session to meet our capacity ratios
  • Fun time float sessions are advertised separately and normally operate at weekends at 1.45pm and 2.45pm

Register for an online sports account

When booking a family session in the learner pool or general swim in the main pool all family members wishing to attend need to be registered, booked and paid for when making a booking online.

To find out more and to add household members onto your existing account view your online Sports and Fitness booking account.


View timetables for:


You need to have completed a Pre-Exercise Questionnaire and attended an induction session prior to using the gym. If you haven't, please contact us at

If you have not previously used our facilities, you will need to register for an account.

Pre-booking is no longer required.

You will not be permitted to use the pools as part of this session time.

Teddington Studio

Users can book up to seven days in advance, via the LBRUT Sports App, online booking website, by telephone on 020 3772 2999, or in person at the centre. Due to high demand we strongly recommend that all users pre book their sessions in advance to avoid disappointment

Studio timetable

Updated: 20 February 2025

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