Supplementary planning documents and guidance
A series of Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) and Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) has been produced by the Council to provide greater detail on policies within the UDP and LDF to support decisions on planning applications.
The Council no longer produces SPGs as they have been replaced with SPDs since 2004. However, they remain material considerations in planning decisions.
Some of the contact details at the end of several SPGs and SPDs have changed; please contact for any SPG or SPD queries.
- Draft Supplementary Planning Documents
- Sustainable Construction Checklist
- Public Space Design Guide
- Affordable Housing
- Planning Obligations
Supplementary Planning Documents
- Air Quality
(pdf, 4MB), (adopted 2 June 2020)
(pdf, 73KB)
- Affordable Housing
- Buildings of Townscape Merit
(pdf, 938KB) (adopted 22 May 2015
(pdf, 82KB))
- Design Quality
(pdf, 2021KB)
- Development Control for Noise Generating and Noise Sensitive Development
(pdf, 2.9 MB) (adopted September 2018
(pdf, 26 KB)
(pdf, 26 KB))
- House Extensions and External Alterations
(pdf, 1008KB) (adopted 1 June 2015
(pdf, 86KB))
- Planning Obligations
(pdf, 400 KB) (adopted 2 June 2020
(pdf, 72 KB))
- Refuse and Recycling Storage Requirements
(pdf, 134KB) (adopted 22 December 2022
(pdf, 85KB) following analysis of consultation responses
(pdf, 361 KB))
- Residential Development Standards
(pdf, 1311KB) and Housing Optional Technical Standards update
(pdf, 32KB)
- Shopfronts
(pdf, 2637KB)
- Small and Medium Housing Sites
(pdf, 1579KB)
- Sustainable Construction Checklist (adopted 12 January 2016
(pdf, 80KB))
- Telecommunications Equipment
(pdf, 174KB) (adopted June 2006)
- Transport
(pdf, 865 KB) (adopted 2 June 2020
(pdf, 78 KB)) - questions or queries relating to the application of transport strategy and this SPD should be made to
- Twickenham Station and Surroundings
(pdf, 886KB)
Village Planning Guidance - Supplementary Planning Documents
- Village Plan - Barnes
(pdf, 4107KB) (adopted 8 January 2016
(pdf, 79KB))
- Village Plan - East Sheen
(pdf, 6338KB) (plan adopted on 8 January 2016
(pdf, 80KB))
- Village Plan - East Twickenham
(pdf, 5.7 MB) (plan adopted on 7 June 2016
(pdf, 80KB))
- Village Plan – Hampton
(pdf, 4.3 MB) (adopted 13 June 2017
(pdf, 26 KB))
- Village Plan – Hampton Hill
(pdf, 6.4 MB) (adopted 13 June 2017
(pdf, 26 KB))
- Village Plan - Hampton Wick and Teddington
(pdf, 6.2 MB) (adopted 30 June 2017
(pdf, 27 KB))
- Village Plan - Kew
(pdf, 4262KB)
- Village Plan - Mortlake
(pdf, 4882KB) (plan adopted 8 January 2016
(pdf, 80KB))
- Village Plan - Richmond and Richmond Hill
(pdf, 5.4 MB) (adopted on 7 June 2016
(pdf, 80KB))
- Village Plan - St Margarets
(pdf, 6849KB) (adopted 7 June 2016
(pdf, 80KB))
- Village Plan – Strawberry Hill
(pdf, 4.8 MB) (adopted 5 February 2018
(pdf, 26 KB))
- Village Plan – Twickenham
(pdf, 6.8 MB) (adopted 5 February 2018
(pdf, 26 KB))
- Village Plan - Whitton and Heathfield
(pdf, 4215KB)
Supplementary Planning Guidance
- Conservation Areas
(pdf, 3.88MB)
- Contaminated Land
(pdf, 64KB)
- Design for maximum access
(pdf, 3984KB) (1991) and Housing Optional Technical Standards update
(pdf, 32KB)
- Historic Buildings - Maintenance and Repair
(pdf, 657KB)
- Listed Buildings
(pdf, 619KB)
- Nature Conservation and Development
(pdf, 1230KB)
- Planning guidance for food and drink establishments
(pdf, 560KB)
- Security by Design
(pdf, 108KB) (2002) - Please refer to new technical mandatory requirements as set out in Part Q Building Regulations from 1 October 2015 (e.g. secure door sets and windows); other elements of the SPG related to design remain relevant to the assessment of a planning application. Contact police Design Out Crime Officers for advice regarding Secured by Design by email or phone 07776 675 176.
- Shopfront Security
(pdf, 344KB)
- Trees: Landscape Design, Planting & Care
(pdf, 797KB)
- Trees: Legislation and Procedure
(pdf, 980KB)
- Wildlife in Gardens
(pdf, 985KB)
Site briefs
- Barnes Goods Yard Supplementary Planning Document
(pdf, 4175KB)
- Brunel University Planning Brief
(pdf, 49KB)
- Crane Valley Supplementary Planning Document
(pdf, 13927KB)
- Friar's Lane Planning Brief
(pdf, 735KB)
- Harlequins Stoop Memorial Planning Brief
(pdf, 892KB)
- Kneller Hall Supplementary Planning Document
(pdf, 9.7 MB) (Adopted 6 April 2020
(pdf, 78 KB)) (and accompanying Heritage Assets Assessment
(pdf, 6.5 MB))
- Latchmere House and HM Remand Centre Supplementary Planning Document
(pdf, 5451KB)
- Lower Mortlake Road Supplementary Planning Guidance
(pdf, 938KB)
- Lower Richmond Road Supplementary Planning Guidance
(pdf, 471KB)
- Old Deer Park Supplementary Planning Document
(pdf, 8.0 MB) (Adopted 20 March 2018
(pdf, 27 KB))
- Richmond Station Planning Brief
(pdf, 3499KB)
- Richmond upon Thames College Supplementary Planning Document
(pdf, 4979KB)
- Royal Star & Garter Home Supplementary Planning Brief
(pdf, 1328KB)
- Stag Brewery Supplementary Planning Document
(pdf, 2495KB) and Appendix 1 Maps
(pdf, 799KB)
- Teddington Studios Planning Brief
(pdf, 1238KB)
- Terrace Yard Supplementary Planning Document
(pdf, 3628KB)
Further planning information
- Basement development - Planning Advice Note
- Guidance on producing a Flood Emergency Plan
(pdf, 1466KB) - Planning Advice Note
- Public Space Design Guide
- Nursery Schools - Locating Premises for Under 8s
(pdf, 77KB)
- Old Deer Park, Richmond - Landscape Strategy
(pdf, 10.7 MB)
- Satellite Dishes Flowchart - Do I need Planning Permission?
(pdf, 50KB)
- Shopfronts - Barnes Green Study No. 1
(pdf, 1599KB)
- Smoking in public places - Planning Guidance
(pdf, 23KB)
- Draft Statement of Significance: Richmond Public Baths, Old Deer Park, Richmond
(pdf, 3.8 MB)(This is a draft version)
- Sustainable Drainage Systems - Planning Guidance
(pdf, 1364KB)
- The Lion Houses - Barnes Green Study No. 1
(pdf, 1304KB)
- Shopfronts - Hampton Hill High Street No. 38
(pdf, 1.6 MB)
- Construction Management Plan - Guidance notes and template
(pdf, 159 KB)
- Raising the Bar - early community engagement guidance for applicants
Withdrawn Supplementary Planning Documents
The Car Club Strategy SPD (2006) and Front Garden and other Off-Street Parking Standards (2006) were superseded following the adoption of the Transport SPD and were withdrawn (pdf, 109 KB) from 3 June 2020.
Up to: Planning policy
Updated: 02 January 2025
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