Community safety news
If you manage or have any responsibility for a public community venue in Richmond, join this free, practical, in-person session from the Met Police to learn how to protect your teams and communities from potential threats.
Community news | Richmond CVS | 20 Mar 25
This International Women’s Day, Richmond Council is standing with women and girls across the borough to make Richmond a safer, more equal place for everyone. While we celebrate the achievements of women in our communities, we also recognise that there is still more to do.
Council news | 07 Mar 25
A business in Twickenham supplying illegal vapes and flouting the government’s ban on openly displaying tobacco products has been fined over £12,000, after being prosecuted by our Trading Standards team.
Council news | 05 Feb 25
We recently hit the streets to speak to residents and visitors about why access to clean, safe, free to use toilets matters to our community.
Council news | 20 Dec 24
Hear from the Leader of the Council in his annual end of year message, reflecting on the many things we have achieved in the last 12 months!
Council news | 20 Dec 24
This festive period, everyone has the right to live free from violence and abuse.
Council news | 19 Dec 24
It's that wonderful time of year again, but it’s also a time when scammers are looking to take advantage. We want to help you keep the festive cheer and avoid falling victim to fraudsters this Christmas.
Council news | 18 Dec 24
On Thursday 9 January, residents are invited to Hampton and Hampton North Police Liaison Group's meeting.
Community news | Hampton and Hampton North Police Liaison Group | 16 Dec 24
We joined forces with the Metropolitan Police at the England vs Japan match on Sunday 25 November, starting 16 Days of Action and taking a stand against violence towards women and girls.
Council news | 25 Nov 24
On Monday 2 December, the Met Police is hosting a walk and talk session for residents to discuss issues around women’s safety.
Community news | Met police | 22 Nov 24
As part of a 12-month pilot to increase community safety, we are installing lighting along the central path of Twickenham Green.
Council news | 24 Oct 24
Residents are being warned to be on their guard against a scam text message relating to the payment of an outstanding parking Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).
Council news | 12 Sept 24
Residents are invited to follow the Richmond Police WhatsApp channel for updates on local policing, crime prevention and information on live incidents that affect the area.
Community news | Richmond Police | 09 Sept 24
We are inviting residents to have their voices heard at the upcoming Community Conversation event, scheduled for Tuesday 24 September 2024, from 6.30 to 9pm at Clarendon Hall, York House, Twickenham.
Council news | 05 Sept 24
On Sunday 18 August, a public memorial event to remember Amelie Delagrange will be taking place on Twickenham Green.
Council news | 07 Aug 24
We are aware that the group of Travellers have returned to the borough late on Monday night and are now on King Georges Field. The group gained illegal entry by forcibly removing two concrete posts.
Council news | 07 Aug 24
Whilst e-bikes and e-scooters offer a great way round the city, if the batteries become damaged or begin to fail they can start large fires within seconds.
Community news | London Fire Brigade | 02 Aug 24
The Metropolitan Police Service have launched a new recruitment campaign, 'Change Needs You', as part of a strategic initiative to improve neighbourhood policing across Richmond upon Thames and the greater London area.
Community news | Metropolitan Police | 18 Jul 24
We are excited to announce the launch of the Water Safety Centre for Excellence at Twickenham Fire Station, led by the London Fire Brigade (LFB).
Council news | 12 Jul 24
Representatives of the community, voluntary sector and faith groups are invited to share their thoughts to help enhance emergency responses.
Community news | Richmond CVS | 25 Jun 24
Community news
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