Environmental Impact Assessment: Screening Directions and Scoping Opinions
The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011 Statutory Instrument 2011: 1824 – also known as the EIA Regulations – form part of the development control system in England and relate to certain types of development.
The EIA process
The EIA Regulations relate to a European Union Directive (Directive 85/337/EEC as amended by Directive 97/11/EC on the assessment of the effect of certain public and private projects on the environment), and give planning authorities a means of ensuring that they can take account of the environmental, economic and social implications of individual developments in their decisions on planning applications.
The EIA Regulations place a number of responsibilities on planning authorities, which relate to the different stages of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process.
Stage 1: Screening to determine whether EIA is required
The EIA Regulations only apply to certain types of development, and before the Council can request an EIA it must determine whether the proposal is subject to the Regulations and can be classified as ‘EIA development’, and decide whether EIA is required in that particular case. This process is called 'screening' and there are two ways in which it can be applied:
- A developer can ask the planning authority to give an EIA screening opinion before the application for planning permission is submitted.
- Where a planning application has been submitted without an environmental statement and alternatively no request has been made in the past for a screening opinion, the planning authority has the right to adopt an EIA screening opinion for the proposal, which will determine whether or not the scheme requires EIA.
In either case the planning authority has 3 weeks within which to adopt their EIA screening opinion from the date on which the request was received (for (1) above) or the planning application was deemed to be valid (for (2) above). In both cases the three week period can be extended, if the developer agrees in writing to the extension. Once the screening opinion has been adopted, it is required to be held in a public register for two years. The list below contains all EIA Screening and Scoping Opinions issued in the past two years and where an Environmental Statement is available a link to it is provided.
Stage 2: Scoping to determine what information should be covered by an EIA
Where a proposed scheme is determined to be ‘EIA development’, the developer can ask the planning authority for advice on the scope of the information to be gathered during the EIA and to be covered in the Environmental Statement (which reports on the findings of the EIA).
The planning authority has a period of five weeks within which to produce an EIA scoping opinion, which can be extended if the developer agrees in writing to the extension. The planning authority is legally required to consult with the Environment Agency, Natural England, English Heritage and the Greater London Authority. Once the scoping opinion has been adopted, it is held in a public register for two years, this is available online below.
Stage 3: Reviewing the adequacy of environmental statements
Once an environmental statement has been submitted with a planning application the planning authority can request additional information if it considers the environmental statement to be inadequate. The adequacy of environmental statements is determined by comparison with the content requirements of the EIA Regulations.
Public register
Former Imperial College Private Ground, Teddington
Screening opinion for the proposed development of up to 130 retirement living homes, communal facilities, car park, GP surgery, playing pitches, conversion of existing pavilion, new clubhouse and a public park on Former Imperial College Private Ground.
- Screening letter
(pdf, 182.9 KB)
- Screening report
(pdf, 513.1 KB)
- LPA Adopted Screening opinion
(pdf, 480.2 KB)
- Screening direction request
(pdf, 1.2 MB)
- Secretary of State screening direction - decision letter
(pdf, 161 KB)
- Secretary of State screening direction - written statement
(pdf, 191 KB)
Former Imperial College Private Ground, Teddington
Scoping opinion for the development of up to 130 extra care units, communal facilities, car park, GP surgery, playing pitches, conversion of existing pavilion, new clubhouse and a public park on Former Imperial College Private Ground.
Former Imperial College Private Ground, Teddington
Screening direction (September 2019) for the proposed development of a new extra-care community, with new public open space and improved sports facilities, comprising: 107 extra-care apartments (Class C2 Use), visitor suites and associated car parking, 12 GP surgery (Class D1 use) and associated car parking, new public open space including a public park and a community orchard, improved sports facilities (Class D2 use) comprising a 3G pitch, turf pitch, MUGA, playground, pavilion, community space and associated parking (68 spaces), paddock for horses, a new pedestrian crossing at Cromwell Road and all other associated works.
Ham Close
Request for a scoping opinion for the demolition of the existing buildings on-site and phased mixed-use development comprising 452 residential homes (Class C3) up to six storeys, a Community/Leisure Facility (Class F2) of up to four storeys in height, a 'Makers Lab' (sui generis) of up to two storeys together with basement car parking and site-wide landscaping.
Hammersmith Bridge
Screening opinion request:
Proposed development - repair and restoration of Hammersmith Bridge - to include the substantial dismantling of the bridge. The works described as:
- Removal of deck, hangers, bearings, anchors, and chains for repair off-site and return to the bridge for re-installation; and in-situ repair of towers and anchorages
- Installation of temporary double-decker truss within existing structure of Hammersmith Bridge for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles. Access for vehicles to be provided at the top deck, and access for pedestrians and cyclists via lower bottom deck of the truss structure
- Temporary river moorings to be installed to facilitate the river traffic movements associated with the dismantling and construction of the bridge
The development will also include works to the approach roads on either side of Hammersmith Bridge and provision of working areas for the duration of the repair and restoration of the bridge.
Homebase, Manor Road, North Sheen
Formal application for a screening opinion in respect of the demolition of Homebase and the redevelopment to provide in the region of 400 residential units together with a small quantum of commercial space. Provision of basement, new public and private realm, and vehicular access and egress to/from the site will be provided via Manor Road. Car parking will be kept to a minimum and servicing will occur at street level.
- Manor Road - Formal request for an EIA screening opinion
(pdf, 7.7 MB)
- Manor Road EIA screening opinion
(pdf, 243 KB)
- Screening letter
(pdf, 61 KB)
- Screening report
(pdf, 13.9 MB)
- Local Planning Authority's Negative Screening Opinion
(pdf, 1.6 MB)
Kneller Hall Royal Military School of Music, Kneller Road, Twickenham
The demolition of some existing modern buildings on the site and the conversion of Kneller Hall and other ancillary buildings associated with the Royal Military School of Music to a day school (Use Class F1), together with the instruction of associated new purpose-built buildings including teaching space, indoor sports facilities, a performing arts centre and sporting pavilion, and other ancillary works including landscaping, access and energy centre.
- Screening opinion final
(pdf, 183 KB)
- Screening report
(pdf, 1.3 MB)
- Screening letter
(pdf, 583 KB)
- Site location plan
(pdf, 205 KB)
- Existing site plan
(pdf, 451 KB)
- Kneller Hall masterplan
(pdf, 2.2 MB)
- Kneller Hall existing masterplan
(pdf, 1.5 MB)
- Kneller Hall developed masterplan
(pdf, 5.0 MB)
- Kneller Hall masterplan with DIMS
(pdf, 1.1 MB)
Laboratory of the Government Chemist, Queens Road, Teddington, TW11 0LY
Screening opinion request for the demolition, with exception of Building 39, of the obsolete and out-dated existing laboratory and office buildings (Use Classes E(g)(ii) and ancillary E(g)(i)) and replacement with modern and fit-for-purpose flexible industrial units (Use Classes E(g)(iii), B2, and B8). The scheme proposes circa 11,700 sqm of flexible industrial floorspace across 16 units ranging from small to medium sized over a 3.2ha site. Building 39 is retained and refurbished and extends to 572 sqm providing additional flexible floorspace.
Land East of Hammersmith Bridge and North of Riverview Gardens, Barnes.
Screening opinion for temporary piers at Barnes and Hammersmith which form the fixed infrastructure for a temporary Hammersmith Ferry service.
- Air quality assessment
(pdf, 2.8 MB)
- Aquatic ecology desktop study
(pdf, 5.9 MB)
- Archaeology assessment
(pdf, 6.3 MB)
- Barnes existing elevation
(pdf, 1.9 MB)
- Barnes existing highway access section
(pdf, 386 KB)
- Barnes existing section
(pdf, 441 KB)
- Barnes Pier existing
(pdf, 829 KB)
- Barnes Pier finishes
(pdf, 1.3 MB)
- Barnes Pier proposed
(pdf, 1.2 MB)
- Barnes pontoon layout
(pdf, 330 KB)
- Barnes walkway
(pdf, 384 KB)
- Flood risk assessment
(pdf, 4.6 MB)
- Ground investigation report
(pdf, 11.2 MB)
- Hammersmith existing river sections
(pdf, 554 KB)
- Hammersmith Pier elevation proposed
(pdf, 598 KB)
- Hammersmith Pier existing
(pdf, 5.0 MB)
- Hammersmith Pier existing elevation
(pdf, 1.4 MB)
- Hammersmith Pier finishes
(pdf, 1.9 MB)
- Hammersmith Pier layout
(pdf, 338 KB)
- Hammersmith Pier proposed
(pdf, 2.0 MB)
- Hammersmith proposed landside section
(pdf, 363 KB)
- Hammersmith proposed river sections
(pdf, 784 KB)
- Hammersmith proposed river sections MLWS
(pdf, 472 KB)
- Heritage statement
(pdf, 15.0 MB)
- Hydrodynamics and scour
(pdf, 18.0 MB)
- Key location plan
(pdf, 3.2 MB)
- Landscape and external design
(pdf, 3.2 MB)
- Preliminary ecological appraisal
(pdf, 6.7 MB)
- Preliminary hazard analysis
(pdf, 6.5 MB)
- Proposed block plan
(pdf, 1.8 MB)
- Proposed block plan 2
(pdf, 1.8 MB)
- Proposed elevations
(pdf, 2.9 MB)
- Proposed highway access plan
(pdf, 621 KB)
- Proposed sections
(pdf, 646 KB)
- Response document
(pdf, 76 KB)
- Screening report
(pdf, 2.6 MB)
- Site location plan
(pdf, 1.5 MB)
- Site location plan 2
(pdf, 1.5 MB)
- Technical note 1 - contamination
(pdf, 8.7 MB)
- Technical note 2 - contamination
(pdf, 8.5 MB)
- Technical note 3 - contamination
(pdf, 8.4 MB)
- Technical note 4 - contamination
(pdf, 8.6 MB)
- Technical note 5 - contamination
(pdf, 8.5 MB)
- Technical note 6 - contamination
(pdf, 9.0 MB)
- Technical note 7 - contamination
(pdf, 9.0 MB)
- Technical note 8 - contamination
(pdf, 4.5 MB)
- Underwater noise assessment
(pdf, 7.3 MB)
- UXO risk assessment
(pdf, 6.1 MB)
- Water framework directive assessment
(pdf, 3.9 MB)
Land west of Hospital Bridge Road, Whitton
Please note this is a new screening opinion.
Formal application for a screening opinion in respect of the redevelopment of the site to accommodate a new 5FE secondary school and 300 place sixth form, associated internal and external sports facilities, new pedestrian and vehicular access and servicing.
- Local Planning Authority's negative screening opinion
(pdf, 944 KB)
- Scoping report
(pdf, 3.0 MB)
- Screening letter
(pdf, 133 KB)
- Site location plan
(pdf, 212 KB)
- Air quality assessment
(pdf, 4.5 MB)
- Arboricultural survey
(pdf, 4.1 MB)
- Baseline noise survey
(pdf, 1.0 MB)
- Ecological appraisal
(pdf, 4.9 MB)
- Flood risk assessment
(pdf, 5.1 MB)
- Landscape general arrangement
(pdf, 518 KB)
- National vegetation survey
(pdf, 5.5 MB)
- Preliminary ground assessment
(pdf, 1.7 MB)
- Reptile survey report
(pdf, 1.7 MB)
- Site investigation
(pdf, 3.6 MB)
- Transport mitigation strategy
(pdf, 189 KB)
Land west of Hospital Bridge Road, Whitton
Please note this screening opinion has been withdrawn.
Formal application for a screening opinion in respect of the redevelopment of the site to accommodate a new 5FE secondary school and 300 place sixth form, associated internal and external sports facilities, new pedestrian and vehicular access and servicing.
Richmond upon Thames College
Screening opinion for Reserved Matters pursuant to outline application 15/3038/OUT for College Development Zone, College Building Zone 1.
- Screening letter
(pdf, 568.6 KB)
- Site location plan
(pdf, 300.0 KB)
- Screening request
(pdf, 403.8 KB)
- Further information request
(pdf, 576.6 KB)
- Screening opinion
(pdf, 740.6 KB)
Screening Opinion for Reserved Matters pursuant to outline application 15/3038/OUT.
Demolition of the music, science, Z, LRC and A Blocks (Phase 1(b)) at Richmond upon Thames College, Twickenham.
- Phase 1b screening letter
(pdf, 534KB)
- Phase 1b screening letter attachments
(pdf, 5557KB)
- Screening response
(pdf, 53KB)
Redevelopment of existing college site to provide:
- A new college
- A new secondary school
- A new secondary school for children with special educational needs
- A new technical media hub
- A replacement on-site sports centre
- An upgrade of Craneford Way playing fields
- Possible residential development
- An energy centre to support development
- Possible alterations to existing means of vehicular access to Langhorn Drive and on-site parking and landscaping
Submitted scoping documents:
- Main report
(pdf, 5179KB)
- Appendices
(pdf, 11926KB)
- Agent covering letter
(pdf, 110KB)
- College covering letter
(pdf, 30KB)
- Scoping response college site
(pdf, 212KB)
- EIA scoping report consultation - Heatham Alliance
(pdf, 256KB)
- EIA scoping report consultation - FORCE
(pdf, 249KB)
21/0128/EIA Scoping Opinion for a revised residential scheme following approval reference 18/4157/RES involving an increase in the number of units to 205. No significant changes to the height and massing of the previously approved development are proposed:
Submitted scoping documents:
Stag Brewery, Mortlake
Scoping opinion for the redevelopment of the former Stag Brewery site. To facilitate the development, the majority of the buildings and structures within the site would be demolished. However, the facade of the former Bottling Plant would be retained and the Maltings and the former hotel would be retained, altered and refurbished.
The development would compromise new buildings, ranging in height from three to eight storeys and would accommodate approximately 1000 (pdf, 393.3 KB) residential units, and also provide retail, office, hotel, leisure, community, education and healthcare uses, and areas of public and private open spaces.
- EIA scoping report
(pdf, 5.4 MB)
- Waterman IE additional information
(pdf, 1.4 MB)
- LBRuT scoping opinion
(pdf, 1.9 MB)
St Pauls School, Lonsdale Road, Barnes, SW13 9JT
Amendments to the approved applications 08/1760/OUT and 08/1760/EXT comprising the substitution of Parameter Plans relating to parcels four and seven, and other alterations as set out in the applicant’s letter.
- Scoping request (pdf, 732.8 KB)
- Site Location Plan
(pdf, 393.3 KB)
- Layout principles plan
(pdf, 215.8 KB)
- Heights plan
(pdf, 217.1 KB)
- Proposed ecological surveys
(pdf, 716.7 KB)
- Viewpoint locations
(pdf, 2.8 MB)
- Location of heritage assets
(pdf, 616.3 KB)
St Pauls School, Lonsdale Road, Barnes, SW13 9JT - 19/0730/EIA
Screening Opinion relating to Phased Redevelopment of St Pauls School, incorporating an amended design for staff accommodation Block A.
- Screening request
(pdf, 704 KB)
- Site plan
(pdf, 374 KB)
- Draft drawings
(pdf, 1.9 MB)
- Heritage note
(pdf, 254 KB)
- Tree survey
(pdf, 31 KB)
- Flood risk assessment
(pdf, 37.0 MB)
- Screening response
(pdf, 131 KB)
Temporary Piers at Barnes and Hammersmith which form the fixed infrastructure for a temporary Hammersmith Ferry service
- Hammersmith Temporary Ferry key plan
(pdf, 3.2 MB)
- EIA Screening opinion report
(pdf, 3.6 MB)
- EIA changelog
(pdf, 115 KB)
Key drawings for Barnes Pier:
- Existing elevations
(pdf, 1.9 MB)
- Existing highways access section
(pdf, 346 KB)
- Existing layout
(pdf, 829 KB)
- Proposed layout
(pdf, 1.5 MB)
- Existing river section
(pdf, 441 KB)
- Barnes Pier finishes
(pdf, 1.3 MB)
- Highway access arrangements
(pdf, 441 KB)
- Landward walkway layout
(pdf, 376 KB)
- Barnes Pier Pontoon layout
(pdf, 330 KB)
- Proposed block plan
(pdf, 1.7 MB)
- Proposed elevations
(pdf, 1.7 MB)
- River section proposed
(pdf, 493 KB)
- Site location plan
(pdf, 1.5 MB)
Key drawings for Hammersmith Pier:
- Existing elevation
(pdf, 1.4 MB)
- Existing river sections MHSW
(pdf, 554 KB)
- Existing layout
(pdf, 1.3 MB)
- Hammersmith Pier finishes
(pdf, 1.9 MB)
- Large layout
(pdf, 338 KB)
- Proposed block plan
(pdf, 1.7 MB)
- Proposed landside sections
(pdf, 386 KB)
- Proposed river sections MHWS
(pdf, 784 KB)
- Proposed river sections MLWS
(pdf, 472 KB)
- Proposed elevation
(pdf, 598 KB)
- Proposed layout
(pdf, 1.5 MB)
- Site location plan
(pdf, 1.5 MB)
Supporting studies:
- Air Quality Assessment
(pdf, 2.8 MB)
- Aquatic Ecology
(pdf, 7.8 MB)
- Archaeology Assessment June 2021
(pdf, 6.4 MB)
- Detailed UXO Risk Assessment
(pdf, 4.9 MB)
- Flood Risk Assessment
(pdf, 3.8 MB)
- Ground Investigation Report
(pdf, 9.2 MB)
- Heritage Statement
(pdf, 11.2 MB)
- Hydrodynamics and Scour
(pdf, 21.1 MB)
- Landscape and External Design
(pdf, 4.0 MB)
- Navigation Risk Assessment
(pdf, 6.3 MB)
- Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
(pdf, 2.3 MB)
- Underwater Noise Assessment
(pdf, 8.0 MB)
- Water Framework Directive Assessment
(pdf, 5.8 MB)
- Technical note 1 - contamination
(pdf, 6.1 MB)
- Technical note 2 - contamination
(pdf, 8.5 MB)
- Technical note 3 - contamination
(pdf, 8.4 MB)
- Technical note 4 - contamination
(pdf, 8.6 MB)
- Technical note 5 - contamination
(pdf, 8.5 MB)
- Technical note 6 - contamination
(pdf, 9.0 MB)
- Technical note 7 - contamination
(pdf, 9.0 MB)
- Technical note 8 - contamination
(pdf, 4.5 MB)
Temporary bridge on the east side of existing Hammersmith Bridge
Screening opinion for the proposed development of a temporary bridge for pedestrians and cyclists, on the east side of the existing Hammersmith Bridge. The temporary bridge would be required for up to five years and would be removed at the completion of the main bridge works.
- Screening report
(pdf, 3.9 MB)
- Flood risk assessment
(pdf, 4.1 MB)
- Archaeology and cultural heritage desktop study
(pdf, 3.1 MB)
- Arboricultural survey report
(pdf, 2.9 MB)
- Screening opinion
(pdf, 632 KB)
- Screening request
(pdf, 205 KB)
- Secretary of State Screening Direction
(pdf, 267 KB)
Teddington Studios, Broom Road, Teddington
Proposed redevelopment of the site including demolition of all buildings and erection of buildings comprising up to 250 units.
- Screening direction
(pdf, 28KB)
- Planning application 14/0914/FUL
- Letter to the applicants requesting additional information under Regulation 22 of the EIA Regulations
Teddington Weir HydroPower Project
Twickenham Riverside 2020
Screening Opinion request for the demolition of all existing buildings located within the site boundary and subsequent mixed use development to include:
- approximately 54 residential units (ranging from studios to 3-bedroom apartments, with 50% affordable and disabled accommodation)
- retail area extending to 543m2, commercial area extending to 1,027m2 and other uses (food, beverages and amenity) extending to 1,000m2
- newly invigorated Diamond Jubilee Gardens
- Twickenham Riverside 2020 Screening Opinion
(pdf, 1MB)
- Twickenham Riverside 2020 Appendix 1 - PLA
(pdf, 232KB)
- Twickenham Riverside EIA screening request
(pdf, 9MB)
- Twickenham Riverside EIA Screening Opinion
(pdf, 582 KB)
Twickenham Riverside
Screening opinion request for a mixed use redevelopment of the Twickenham Riverside Site to provide:
- New commercial floor space on the ground floor comprising A1, A2 and A3 with the inclusion of some B1 incubator space totalling no more than 1500m²
- Residential uses on upper floors – up to a maximum of 50 units (mix of one, two and three bedroom units)
- Public realm works
- A public open space / performance space for community uses
- An underground basement car park for no more than 55 car parking spaces
Twickenham Sorting Office Site, London Road, Twickenham
Proposed development to provide 80-115 residential units, community building, restaurants and other commercial uses, new park land.
- Scoping report
(pdf, 2559KB)
- Agent's covering letter
(pdf, 367KB)
- Council's covering letter
(pdf, 51KB)
- Formal opinion
(pdf, 1859KB)
- Planning application and environmental statement for Twickenham Sorting Office Site ref. 12/3650/FUL
Twickenham Station Site, London Road, Twickenham
Proposed development to provide improved railway facilities, ground floor retail and commercial uses, 170 residential units and new public space.
- Screening direction
(pdf, 15KB)
- Scoping report
(pdf, 304KB)
- Formal opinion
(pdf, 76KB)
- Response to Scoping Checklist
(pdf, 101KB)
- Covering letter
(pdf, 13KB)
- Planning application and environmental statement for Twickenham Station ref. 10/3465/FUL
- Letter to the applicant requesting additional information under Regulation 19 of the EIA Regulations
- Planning application and environmental statement for Twickenham Station ref. 11/1443/FUL
- Letter to the applicant requesting additional information under Regulation 19 of the EIA Regulations
Up to: Planning
Updated: 21 February 2025
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