Inclusive play in parks
There are a number of inclusive play features in our borough's parks and open spaces, and we are actively working to increase our provision of these.
The locations listed below have inclusive play features:
- Alpha Road Gardens has a DDA compliant swing seat, interactive play panels and a basket swing
- Broom Road Recreation Ground has a basket swing
- Cambridge Gardens has a wheelchair accessible roundabout, talk tubes, interactive play panels, DDA compliant swing seat and a spinner bowl
- Carlisle Park has a wheelchair accessible roundabout, basket swing and spinner bowl
- Castelnau Recreation Ground has interactive play panels
- Chase Green has a basket swing and spinner bowl
- Church Road Play Area has a wheelchair accessible roundabout, basket swing and spinner bowl
- Craneford Way Recreation Ground has a basket swing and spinner bowl
- Cypress Avenue Play Area has a wheelchair accessible roundabout, DDA compliant swing seat, interactive play panels and talk tubes
- Ham Village Green has a basket swing
- Hampton Common has a DDA compliant swing seat, basket swing and wheelchair accessible roundabout
- Hampton Village Green has interactive play panels and a spinner bowl
- Hatherop Park has a wheelchair accessible roundabout
- Heathfield Recreation Ground has a wheelchair accessible roundabout and basket swing
- Holly Road Garden of Rest has a basket swing, interactive play panels and spinner bowl
- Holly Road Recreation Ground has a wheelchair accessible roundabout, basket swing and interactive play panels
- Hounslow Heath Open Space has a wheelchair accessible roundabout and interactive play panels
- Kings Field has a basket swing and spinner bowl
- Kneller Gardens has a basket swing and DDA compliant swing seat
- Moormead and Bandy Recreation Ground has a wheelchair accessible roundabout, interactive play panels, talk tunnels and a spinner bowl
- Mortlake Green has a basket swing and a spinner bowl
- Mullins Path Open Space has a DDA compliant swing seat, basket swing, interactive play panels and spinner bowl
- Murray Park has a basket swing and a spinner bowl
- Normansfield Play Park has a wheelchair accessible roundabout
- North Sheen Recreation Ground has a wheelchair accessible roundabout and interactive play panels
- Nursery Green has a DDA compliant swing seat, basket swing and spinner bowl
- Old Deer Park has a wheelchair accessible roundabout and spinner bowl
- Orleans Gardens has a wheelchair accessible roundabout and spinner bowl
- Palewell Common and Fields has a wheelchair accessible roundabout, DDA compliant swing seat, interactive play panels, basket swing and spinner bowl
- Radnor Gardens has a wheelchair accessible roundabout, DDA compliant swing seat, interactive play panels, basket swing and spinner bowl
- Raleigh Road Recreation Ground has a wheelchair accessible roundabout, wheelchair accessible trampoline, DDA compliant swing seat and basket swing
- Riverside Drive has a spinner bowl
- Rocks Lane Recreation Ground has a wheelchair accessible roundabout
- Sandy Lane Recreation Ground has a wheelchair accessible roundabout, DDA compliant swing seat and basket swing
- Sheen Common has a basket swing
- St Luke's Open Space has a wheelchair accessible roundabout, interactive play panels and spinner bowl
- Suffolk Road Recreation Ground has a DDA compliant swing seat and basket swing
- Tangier Green has a wheelchair accessible roundabout and basket swing
- Vicarage Road has a spinner bowl and DDA compliant swing seat
- Vine Road Recreation Ground has a DDA compliant swing seat and basket swing
- Wellesley Road Play Area has a wheelchair accessible roundabout, interactive play panels and basket swing
- Westerley Ware Recreation Ground has a spinner bowl, basket swing, DDA compliant swing seat and interactive play panels
- Worple Way Recreation Ground has a wheelchair accessible roundabout and basket swing
Basket swing at Heathfield Recreation Ground
DDA compliant swing seat at Mullins Path Open Space
Interactive play panels at Radnor Gardens
Spinner bowl at Carlisle Park
Wheelchair accessible roundabout at Moormead and Bandy Recreation Ground
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